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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 16:17:48
the product that i choice is a Swiss soda
first,i show you this drink.this is my drawing,we can see a bleu bottle ,this is a Swiss soda. this bottle is a little different than normal bottle.because its botteneck is long,the bottle is small for easly to bring(我觉得这句怪怪的), the bottle cap is black.
on the paper label,we can read its brand name:ENERGY,because when you drink this soda,u will fell power and get energy,we can also read a personified(拟人的) catchphrase:"Drink me!"
second.i will explain my choice of drawing. i draw 2 little girls,in fact they are same person ,we can see a different on the face :before ,she seems sleeply and her eyes are closed , but after she drink ,she is spirited.
the slogan is above the girls:"Energy,gives you more energy".this slogan have double meaning ,the frist words "energy"is brand name,and second words"energy"is effect of drink.
i choiced this drawing,because it seems funny and colorful,i used the manga style for characters to pay attention(我想说的是使用了漫画的风格,为了让它能更引人注意之类的)
how it works?:
-most strinking element?
-lay out
-feeling appeale to
conclusion:should the company use it?efficient?well-done?

The product I choose is a Swiss soda
First, let me show you my picture. As shown in the picture, the blue bottle on the left is the Swiss soda. You may have noticed that this bottle is slightly different from normal bottles, because it has a long bottleneck under the black cap. The bottle is small and is easy for carrying. 最后一句有点唐突
The label on the bottle shows its brand name: ENERGY. It has this named because of the power and energy you will feel after you drink it. At the bottom of the label, you can also find a personified(拟人的) (这词不好,太大了)catchphrase:"Drink me!"这里可以再解释一下
Next to the bottle, there are two pictures of the same little girl. As you can see the differences on her face: in the left one, she seems sleepy with her eyes closed, but after she drank the soda, she seems spirited in the picture on the right
There is a slogan above the girls, says:"Energy, gives you more energy". Energy is a word with a double meaning, the first "energy" is the brand name, and the second one is the effect of the drink.
The reason why I choose the manga style is because it seems funny and vivid, and it is better to draw attention. (我想说的是使用了漫画的风格,为了让它能更引人注意之类的)
没写清楚这个设计中最有特色的地方(e.g. the girl),能起到什么效果(广告的),设计吸引什么人(e.g. 青少年)为什么饮料公司要采用你设计的广告(以上各点的结合)
再问: 这个高二的作业 我有点没懂你说的“问题”这一块,我意思是,这个作业,老师有一些要求给我们,然后别的要求我觉得我差不多都写进去了,什么需要一个slogan,然后要描述图之类的。只是我觉得老师说的conclusion以及how it works这2个部分我似乎都没写进去,所以想说能不能帮我在这2个方面扩展一下
再答: 你解释的太少了,大部分都是看图写话,conclusion是你想让别人从你的叙述中得出的结论,就是你得解释这个公司为什么要用你的设计,how it works类似于最后一段的内容,得考虑到对看广告的人带来的效果 I think the company should use my design, because it well-explained the effect of the drink in an attractive style which make the drink extremely appeal to teenager/ youth conclusion 就是 use my design, how it work 就是 attract teenager