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please show me ( )

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:31:03
please show me ( )
A.which the way is to the nearest post office.
B.which is the way to the nearest post office.
C.how can I get the way to the nearest post office
D.where is the nearest post office.
please show me ( )
显然,"which is the way to the nearest post office"中,which作问句的主语,所以改为宾语从句时,be动词的位置不需要作调整,直接将"which is the way to the nearest post office"置于please show me之后,就可以了.
再问: 我认为是选A。我是这样理解的:A是说哪一条路是到邮局最近的。B是说,哪一条是路,到邮局最近的。不过,你分析的也有道理。可是B又错在哪里呢?
再答: 答案肯定是:B。 此句难点在于:which is the way to the nearest post office,既是疑问句式,又是陈述语序,因为which在句中作主语,这句话,说完整了是:which one(=way) is the way to the nearest post office, 即使作为宾语从句的一部分,也不需要变动be动词的位置。 另外,to the nearest post office也可以看作是the way的后置定语,指“通往最近邮局”的路,这样可以更好地理解! 比较下面两句: Which one should I choose? Could you tell me which one I should choose? 此句中的which one是作choose的宾语,I是句子的主语,所以改为宾语从句时,I与should的位置必须对调。 与which用法类似的还有what 和who, 试比较下面的句子: Please show me what is in the box. what作宾语从句的主语,语序和疑问句语序一致。 Please show me what you are. what作宾语从句的表语,语序和直接问句不一致,得改为陈述语序。 我是江苏初中英语老师,希望这次讲解能让你真正理解,如果还有疑问,你可以直接联系我,我的资料里有联系方式,这里不方便显示。