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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 07:31:29
Life,always joy and sorrow,sorrow and happiness.In the journey of my life,ever had this thing made me tremble with fear in one's boots.In my small time,once,I go to work where to play mother.At noon,after lunch,I be light of heart from care to walk in the street,are going to the room.At this time,I suddenly found in front of a big white dog,I looked at it,then see a daze.I do not know how long before,all of a sudden,there came a and a loud and a little white dog barking,I was surprised that anyone is to accept the ferocious barking,the results found that that is my own.
生活里,总是会有喜有忧、有哀也有乐.在我的人生 旅途中,曾发生过这样一件令我胆战心惊的事情.在我较小的时候,有一次,我去母亲工作的地方玩.中午,吃过午饭后,我在大街上无忧无虑地走着,正准备到房间里去.这时,我忽然发现前面有一只又大又白的狗,我看了看它,不一会儿就看发呆了.也不知过了多久,忽然,传来了一阵又一阵响亮又略带些恶意的狗叫声,我正纳罕那是哪个倒霉蛋正接受那凶猛的狗叫声,结果才发现原来那是我自己.