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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 21:35:19
1.接近 close to 2.去上学 go to school 3.擅长 (be) good at 4.与...交朋友 make friends with 5.全世界 all over the world 6.愿意(做) would like to 7.岁 year(s) old 8.美术老师 an Art teacher 9.乘校车 by school bus 10.远离 far away 11.收到...一个邮件 get an email 12.足球队 footall team 13.以...开头 start with 14.足球明星 football star 15.与...住在一起 live with 16.最好的祝愿 best wishes 17.在网上 on the Internet 18.许多朋友 many friends 19.希望收到...的来信 hope to hear from 20.参考书 reference book 21.以字母顺序(排列) in alphabetical order 22.用英语 in English
1.初级中学 a junior high school 2.步行 on foot 3.参加 take part in 4.过得愉快 have a good time 5.去睡觉 go to bed 6.起床 get up 7.了解,知道 learn about 8.谈论 talk about 9.一周一次 once a week 10.刷牙 brush one's teeth 11.看电视 watch TV 12.踩单车 ride a bike 13.打乒乓球 play table tennis 14.弹钢琴 play the piano 15.洗衣服 wash one's clothes 16.喜欢做...love doing sth 17.迟到 be late for 18.早上课间休息 have a morning break 19.在...(两者)之间 between ...and...20.下午很晚的时候 later in the afternoon 21.弹吉他 play the guitar 22.两人一组 in pairs 23.在...中间 in the middle of...24.在...末尾 at the end of 25.在...开头 at the beginning of 26.轮流...take turns to do 27.做早餐 co morning exercise 28.吃早餐 have breakfast 29.一块面包 a piece of bread 30.到学校 arrive at the school 31.做晚饭 cook dinner 32.备课 prepare one's lessons 33.帮助某人做某事 help sb with sth 34.写日记 keep a diary 35.以...的方式开始 start by doing 36.做笔记 take notes of sth 37.照相 take a photo of sth 38.记住要...remember to do sth
1.为...提供...provide...with...2.把...倒入...put...into...3.扔掉 throw away 4.关于...的报告 a report on...5.被...覆盖 be covered by 6.在地球上 on Earth 7.获得能量 make energy 8.停止做某事 stop doing sth 9.对某人来说做某事很重要 It's important for sb to do sth 10.放火燃烧某物 set...on fire 11.(某处)有 thereis/are 12.帮助做某事 help do sth 13.海滩清洁日 a beach clean-up day 14.请求某人不要做某事 ask sb not to do sth 15.鲨鱼鱼翅 shark fin 16.海洋餐馆 a seafood restaurant 17.问某人要某物 ask sb foe sth 18.在门口 at the door 19.看看...take a look at 20.购物袋 a shopping bag 21.刮风 wind blows 22.举起 lift sth up 23.是某人活下来 keep sb alive 24.海洋生物 sea creatures
1.去旅行 take a trips 2.去野餐 go on a picnic 3.堆雪人 make snowmen 4.放风筝 fly a kite 5.野餐 have a picnic 6.在春天 in Spring 7.变暖 get warm 8.开始做某事 start to do sth 9.在一年中的这个时候 at this time of year 10.去海滩 go to the beach 11.三天假期 a three-day holiday 12.劳动节 Labour Day 13.妇女节 the Women’s Day 14.母亲节 Mother’s Day 15.中秋节 the Mid-Autumn Fadtival 16.端午节 the Gragon Boat Festival 17.春节 the Spring Fastival 18.去游泳 go swimming 19.呆在家 stay at home 20.冰淇淋 ice cream 21.花时间陪亲人 spend time with relatives 22.从六月至八月 from June to August