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首字母1.As gas price is going up,we'd better s( &

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 11:19:25
1.As gas price is going up,we'd better s(        ) cars with each other.
2.he can't see the blackboard c(         ) ,so he needs apair of glasses.
3.he is going to s(           ) his summer holiday in London because of the Olympic Games.
4.As NewYear is coming,lots of clothes in the shops are on s(        )these days.
5.Carrying a lot of cash around is not as s(          )as paying with a credit card.
今天的早新闻有什么特别内容吗?is________   _______   _______in_______morning news?
爸爸和妈妈都无法阻止她去听西城男孩的演唱会._______her father______her mother could keep her______   ______to the concert of WESTLIFE.
早期的奥林匹克运动会,只允许男性运动员参加比赛.in early days only male athletes______    ______    ______take part in the Olympic Games.
如果你想得到这份工作,一定的经验是必需的._______ is necessary that you have some experience_______   _______   ______to get the job.
消防员在讲座上跟同学解释火灾发生时如何冲从厦逃生.At his lecture,the fireman explained to the student_____    _____    _____     ______a building if a fire happens.
首字母1.As gas price is going up,we'd better s( &
1.As gas price is going up,we'd better 【share 分配;分开;共同承】cars with each other.
2.He can't see the blackboard【clearly 明确地,清楚地 】,so he needs apair of glasses.
3.He is going to 【spend花(时间/金钱);度过】 his summer holiday in London because of the Olympic Games.
4.As NewYear is coming, lots of clothes in the shops are on【sale卖, 出售, 销售 】these days.
5.Carrying a lot of cash around is not as 【safe安全的; 不会有危险的; 不受威胁的; 受保护的 】as paying with a credit card.
Is【there】【anything】【special】in【today's】morning news?
【Neither】her father【nor】her mother could keep her【from】【going】to the concert of WESTLIFE.
In early days only male athletes【were】【allowed】【to】take part in the Olympic Games.
【It】 is necessary that you have some experience【if】【you】【want】to get the job.
At his lecture, the fireman explained to the student【how】【to】【escape】【from】a building if a fire happens.
英 [ɪ'skeɪp] 美 [ɪˈskep]
vi. 逃脱;(气体,液体等)漏出;(未受伤或只受了一点伤害而)逃脱;声音(不自觉地)由…发出
vt.& vi. 逃避,避开
n. 逃走;逃跑工具或方法;野生种;泄漏
vt. 被忘掉,被忽视
遁世; 逃跑; 逃避; 逃脱 复数:escapes 过去式:escaped 过去分词:escaped 现在分词:escaping 第三人称单数:escapes
If you escape from a place, you succeed in getting away from it.
A prisoner has escaped from a jail in northern England...
They are reported to have escaped to the other side of the border...
He was fatally wounded as he tried to escape.
Officers mistook Stephen for an escaped prisoner.
2. 可数名词逃避;逃跑;避开
Someone's escape is the act of escaping from a particular place or situation.
The man made his escape. 那个人逃跑了.
3. 动词躲过;逃脱;幸免 You can say that you escape when you survive something such as an accident.
The two officers were extremely lucky to escape serious injury...
The man's girlfriend managed to escape unhurt...
He narrowly escaped with his life when suspected right-wing extremists fired shots into his office.
Escape is also a noun.
I hear you had a very narrow escape on the bridge. 我听说你在桥上险些出事.
4. N-COUNT 可数名词脱身之术;逃避的方法
If something is an escape, it is a way of avoiding difficulties or responsibilities.
But for me television is an escape. 但是对我而言,看电视是一种逃避的方法.
...an escape from the depressing realities of wartime.
5. ADJ 形容词使逃避困难的;使规避问题的
You can use escape to describe things which allow you to avoid difficulties or problems. For example, an escape route is an activity or opportunity that lets you improve your situation. An escape clause is part of an agreement that allows you to avoid having to do something that you do not want to do.
We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives..
. 我们都时不时需要逃避生活中的无聊和平淡.
This has, in fact, turned out to be a wonderful escape clause for dishonest employers everywhere. 事实上,这已经成为所有狡猾的雇主们用来躲避责任的绝妙条款.
6. VERB 动词为…所不知;逃过…的注意;被…忘记 If something escapes you or escapes your attention, you do not know about it, do not remember it, or do not notice it.
It was an actor whose name escapes me for the moment...
Blonde and slender, she was too striking to escape their attention.
7. 动词(气体、液体、热量等)泄露,逸出,露出 When gas, liquid, or heat escapes, it comes out from a pipe, container, or place.
Leave a vent open to let some moist air escape.
escape, avoid
escape: 多指避开实际的威胁,暗示威胁或危险正在迫近.
avoid: 侧重有意识地躲避开要冒险或有危险的事物或情况.
escape, flee, fly, get away, run away
escape: 侧重逃跑的结果,不强调逃跑时的匆忙或危险情况.
flee: 书面用词,侧重指逃跑时动作匆忙,多含惧怕之意.
get away: 口语用语.侧重指犯罪分子从现场逃跑或被捕时逃走.
run away: 口语用语,强调动作迅速
1We had to break the door out to escape from the fire.
2. He had to conceal his identity to escape the police.
3. He reflected how difficult it would be to escape.
4. The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws.
5. The guards thwarted his attempt to escape from prison.
6. When the guard's back was turned, she made good her escape.
7. The police clapped the handcuffs on the man before he could escape.
8. He was unable to escape the array of facts. 他无法躲避一连串的事实.
9. The town managed to escape the rigours of war.
10. I read love stories as an escape from reality.
11. He sought escape in the bottle from hard realities.
12. You will have to pull in if you want to escape bankruptcy.
13. Refugees crossed the border to escape the carnage in their homeland.
14. They came to America in order to escape political tyranny.
15. In his desperation to escape, Tom had slipped and broken a leg.
16. They offered a thanksgiving to God for their escape from the shipwreck.
17. He didn't allow any word to escape his lips.
18. The jailbird cast about him for a way of escape.
19. His daring escape from prison gained him a certain notoriety.
20. Secure the prisoner so that he won't escape again.