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英语翻译Good morning,Wednesday,to do my duty to report that I wo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 03:20:28
Good morning,Wednesday,to do my duty to report that I would like to read a poem,the name isHe got up at half past seven and cooked breakfast for his wife and children.He found that there was no milk.So he had to spend 15 minutes on going to the supermarket to buy it.When the Browns finished having breakfast,it was 8:30.Mr.Brown was very worry because he thought he would be late for work and he couldn’t find his files.He looked for them here and there.At last he found that his little son Tommy was playing with them.Tommy’s saliva made them wet at all.After making them dry,Mr.Brown was ready to go.He was so anxious.He ran to the “door” quickly and walked out of it.He suddenly found that this was not a door but a big window,however,it was to late.Mr.Brown arrived for work an hour later.His clothes were torn and tattered.He was banged and bruised,and he had one arm in a sling.His boss was purple with rage."It's ten o'clock," screamed the boss,"you were supposed to be here at nine.What happened?" "I'm sorry," explained Mr.Brown,"I fell out of the window of my flat." "That took you a whole hour?You are lying!” How poor Mr.Brown was!
英语翻译Good morning,Wednesday,to do my duty to report that I wo
早上好,今天是星期三.我想念一首诗来作为我的值日报告.他的名字是(),他七点半起床为他的妻子和孩子做好早餐.他发现没有牛奶了,所以他用了15分钟去超市买牛奶.当他们家人吃完早餐时,已经是八点半了.Brown先生非常着急因为他觉得他今天上班可能要吃到了而且他找不到他的文件.他东找西找,最后终于发现他的儿子Tommy在玩儿他的文件.Tommy的唾液把他的文件全部弄湿了.把文件弄干之后,Mr Brown 准备去上班了.他非常焦虑,他很快跑向了“门”然后走出去.这时他突然发现他不是门是一扇大窗户.但是已经迟了.Brown先生到达上班的地方的时候已经吃到了一个小时了.他的衣服都破了.他感到很受挫.而且他的一只手臂还打着石膏.他的老板脸都气红了吼道:“现在已经十点了!你应该九点到这儿!发生了什么事”Brown先生解释道:“对不起,我从我公寓的窗户上摔倒了,”老板说“这需要用你1个小时?你在说谎!”好可怜的Brown先生.