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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:18:57
人生的不同境遇,在于人的选择,有时候是死亡,有时则是继续生存下去.当面对的是绝望的时候,你会怎么选择,死亡还是生存下去.  20年的时间,不是每个人都可以忍受,怎么样的情绪支持着那颗看似已经绝望的心.一个人面对无人知道的事实,隐忍而无法发泄,但当所有人都知道你的无辜且无力反抗时,你得到的是什么?同情 嘲笑 安慰 还是一张与自由只有一墙之隔比基尼女郎的海报.  忍看似困难,但其实是每人都具备的拥有无穷力量的潜在能力,差别只在于你怎么去使用它,有时是在杂乱的图书馆里隐藏自己的本性,有时是在陪审团面前故作镇静,有时则是一把锤子和20年的等待,不知道你会怎么选择.  希望是永不灭的、 看完之后这是最主要的感受.让我们都对生活抱一丝希望 有时 也会走得很远……
The life different situation, is the choice, sometimes is death, sometimes is to continue to survive. When confronted with is a desperate, how do you choose, death or survive. 20 years time, not everyone can bear, how emotions that are supposed to support a heart of despair. A person in the fact that no one know, trial and can't let out, but when all people know your innocent and powerless to resist, you get is?Sympathy laugh at comfort or a and freedom only one wall poster of bikinis. Endure seemed so difficult, but in fact is everyone have the potential ability with infinite power, the only difference is that you how to use it, and sometimes in the library is mixed and disorderly concealed in his nature, and sometimes in the jury pretended to calm before, sometimes as a hammer and 20 years of waiting, don't know what would you choose. Hope is never destroyed, after finish this is the main experience. Let us hold a glimmer of hope for life sometimes go very far away...
再问: 自己翻译的对么?