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英语翻译Look at your watch for just one minute.During that time

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/07 12:19:38
Look at your watch for just one minute.During that time the population of the world increased by eighty-five people.Perhaps you think that isn't much.In the next hour,more than 5,000 additional (另外的) people will be living on this planet.So it goes,hour after hour.In one day,there are about 120,000 additional mouths to feed.Multiply (乘) this by 365.what will happen in 100 years?
This population explosion (激增) may be the greatest challenger of the present time.Within the next forty years,the world population may double.Can the new frontiers (尖端) of science meet the needs of the crowded world of tomorrow?
If the present rate4 of population increase for the next 600 or 700 years,there will be standing room only.Each person will have between 3 to 10 square feet of space in which to live.This includes the mountaintops,deserts,and the ice and snow fields of the polar regions (极地).Of course,no one expects such a thing to happen.War,plague (瘟),famine (饥荒),or some other catastrophe (灾祸) can expected to occur (发生) long before the population reaches this point.Actually,the danger is not in an overcrowded world where people are huddled (挤) together so that they cannot move arms and legs,but in an upset balance between population and resources.
英语翻译Look at your watch for just one minute.During that time
看你的手表只是一分钟.在那期间,世界的人口增加了八十 - 五个人.也许你想那不是很多的.在那下个小时,超过额外的 5,000个人将会倚赖这一行星生活.因此一小时一小时地,它去.在一天中,有大约额外的 120,000张嘴要喂.365 之前乘 (乘) 这.在 100 年中将会发生什么事?
这人口爆发 (激增) 可能是现在的时间的最伟大挑战者.在未来的四十年之内,世界人口可能加倍.科学的新边界 (尖端) 能符合明天的拥挤世界的需要吗?
如果人口的现在比率 4 增加未来的 600 或 700 年,将会有只有站着房间.每个人将会有在 3-10 平方空间的脚之间在哪一个住.这包括山顶,沙漠和冰和两极区域 (极地) 的雪领域.当然,没有人期待如此的一件事物发生.战争、瘟疫 (瘟) ,饥荒 (饥荒) 或一些其他的大灾难 (灾祸) 在人口延伸这点之前能期望发生 (发生) 长的.
实际上,危险不在一个人们被一起推挤 (挤) 的被过度拥挤的世界中,以便他们不能够移动手和腿,但是在烦乱的人口和资源之间的平衡方面.