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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 16:26:13
In the 1970s, bills, currency in stocks, bonds, the basic financial instruments on the basis of derived financial derivatives rise, innovation. Because it has extensive in small and avoid the risk of financial leverage, has become a financial risk evasion field, and seek hedging speculative yields important tool, which has caused a series of shocked the world's financial crisis. Therefore, the development of financial derivatives caused extensive concern of the world. And how to record, measurement, analysis and supervision of financial derivatives of the risks and benefits of accounting problems become financial accounting theory and practice research focus.
This article mainly from the financial derivatives, the accounting information disclosure of accounting measurement and three facing financial derivatives accounting problems are discussed. From the first derivatives, combined with the feature of concept and criteria for research institutions, must develop traditional accounting theory of assets and liabilities of the definition of financial derivatives, solve the problem discussed, belonging to the financial derivatives accounting issues lays the foundation. Then based on international accounting standards board and the financial accounting standards board related provisions of the introduction and analysis, puts forward the financial derivatives in accounting recognition in principle to insist on the initial confirmation, follow-up confirmation and termination of three steps that in accounting measurement attribute, insist on financial derivatives are fair value measurement attribute of the related. In addition, this paper studies the derivative products report information disclosure. Finally, according to the facts, how to effective implementation of financial derivatives in accounting Suggestions or thinking.
Keywords: financial derivatives, accounting, and accounting measurement confirmation, the information disclosure
英语翻译20世纪70年代在货币、票据、股票、债券等基本金融工具的基础上派生出的衍生金融工具蓬勃兴起,不断创新.由于它具有 1.下列各项中,属于衍生金融工具的是( ).A.互换 B.债券 C.股票 D.票据 金融工具的风险和收益是正相关的,股票的收益应该高于债券,但为什么现实中经常出现债券收益高于股票 英语翻译4、衍生金融工具的限制:(1) 除经社保基金会书面批准,委托资产中金融期货合约的市场价值不能超过委托资产净值(m 英语翻译本文从四个方面讨论了衍生金融工具对现行会计理论体系的冲击,介绍了国外在此问题上的进展,提出我国应借鉴国际经验,加 英语翻译20世纪80年代以来,中国电视剧产业从蓬勃兴起到迅猛发展,如同初升的朝阳,充满着生机与活力.这与传媒时代的文化发 英语翻译改革开放特别是20世纪90年代上海浦东开放开发以来,长江三角洲(以下简称长三角)呈现出持续蓬勃发展的态势,成为全 19世纪欧洲工人运动蓬勃兴起的原因是什么? 英语翻译近几年来随着经济发展和金融改革的不断深入,金融领域业务创新日新月异,服务产品及衍生产品层出不穷,投资理财等新业务 英语翻译金融衍生产品自20世纪80年代以来经历了一个迅速发展过程,国际金融市场因金融衍生产品的出现而异彩纷呈,金融衍生产 英语翻译20世纪80年代以来,中国金融改革不断深化,在短短20年里取得了长足的发展,基本形成了市场化的金融体系,在这个过 英语翻译管理层收购(Management Buy-out)最早兴起于20世纪80年代的美国,随后在西方各国得到了空前的发