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英语翻译The innate pattern of locomotion,the so-called ‘newborns

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 20:40:05
The innate pattern of locomotion,the so-called ‘newborn
stepping’,is characterized as in most of our mammalian
ancestors by digitigrade stepping (i.e.the toes reach the
ground first).This initial pattern of locomotion usually
disappears after some weeks.But around 9 months of age,
the child starts to adapt the innate locomotor program to the
external conditions.These changes in leg muscle activation
can be interpreted as a shift away from a low level of motor
control towards patterns of leg muscle activation modulated
by polysynaptic spinal reflexes (Berger et al.,1984a).This
shift is bio-mechanically reflected in a stick-like usage of
the legs in the early stage of stepping to a rolling off the
body over the standing leg (Sutherland et al.,1980).
英语翻译The innate pattern of locomotion,the so-called ‘newborns
这种与生俱来的运动模式,即所谓“婴儿步态”是以类似于我们大多数哺乳类祖先的趾行(即足趾先接触地面)为特点的.这种天生的运动模式通常在几周后消失.但在9个月大左右,婴儿开始使这种天生的运动模式适应外部环境条件.这些腿部肌肉活动的改变可以解释为由低级的运动控制向多突触的脊髓反射调制下的腿部肌肉运动模式的转化(Berger et al.,1984a(此处为前面这句话摘自的文献作者及发表日期)).这种转变在生物机械学上表现为由早期得棍棒样的腿部运用模式变为身体在腿部(交替)滚动运动中前进的运用模式(Sutherland et al.,1980(同上)).