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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 22:14:18
Hello everybody!you are welcome here to enjoy the beautiful sceneries of the Three Gorges.I am your tour guide for today's itinerary,my surname is Hong,but it is okay for you all to address me as Xiao Hong
(Little Hong) or simply Hong.Please feel free to ask me if you have any questions,and I shall do my best to solve them for you.I wish everyone,in advance,a very pleasant journey.
Firstly,I like to give you a brief introduction of Yangtze River (Changjiang),as everyone probably knows,Yangtze River is our country's longest river,and is the third longest river in the world,after Africa's River Nile and South America's Amazon River.Its source can be traced to the Qinghai and Tibet highland of the Tanggula Mountains,and its flow cuts across a provincial autonomous region and finally into the
East China Sea.Its full length is 6300 miles (six thousand and three hundred miles).Yangtze River basin accounts for 1/5 (one-fifth)of our country's land area.
When Yangtze River's flow reaches Fengjie ¾ eastern part of Sichuan,it immediately breaks through lofty ridges and towering mountains and surges downward,creating (forming) a magnificent (imposing)grand canyon¾ the Yangtze River Three Gorges,which is where we are going to tour today.The Three Gorges we talk about today is,in fact,the general (collective) term for Qutang Gorge,Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge.
It (the Three Gorges) begins from Fengjie's Baidi Town,Chongqing,in the west,to Yichang city's Nanjin Pass,Hubei province,in the east,with an overall length of over 200 miles,all three gorges have their own individual characteristic:there are peaks rising one upon another,
all of different shapes,travel along the Three Gorges by boat,one could see the colour of the mountain is blocked for one moment and opens up the next,it is a place of unique,enchanting beauty.
We have now arrived at Qutang Gorge,which starts from Fengjie's Baidi Town,Chongqing,in the west and ends at Mt.Wu's (Wushan)Daxi town,it
is 8 miles in length,and is the shortest among the three gorges,however,it has the most imposing sight.
Yangtze River flows out of the mouth of Daning River and then enters the broad valley of Wu Gorge,in the twinkling of an eye,one is greeted by the small and exquisite Wushan county town,the little gorge by the mouth of Daning River has the reputation of " it is not,but better than the Three Gorges".Moreover,there is a miniature Three Gorges at the Madu River,a tributary of Daning River,figuratively speaking,if the Three Gorges is a piece of symphony,then the Little Three Gorges is one of its brilliant movements,and the miniature Three Gorges is a splendid
interlude.Wu Gorge starts from Chongqing's Daning River mouth in the west,and it ends at Badong county's Guan Ferry in the east,it is 45 miles in length and is a long as well as neat gorge of the Three Gorges.
Soon after going out of Wu Gorge,we arrive at the Xiling Gorge--the last of the three gorges,it begins from Zigui county's Xiangxi Kou in the west and ends at Yichang town's Nanjin Pass in the east,it is the longest of the three gorges,with a length of 76 miles (seventy-six miles).
Hello my friends,beautiful time is always brief,our three gorges' tour would soon come to an end,I thank you all for your huge support and cooperation,and finally I like to wish everyone a safe journey home and everything turns out as one wishes!Good-bye!
英语翻译导游词如下:欢迎你们来到美丽的长江三峡观光.我是今天行程的导游员,我姓洪,大家可以叫我小洪或洪导.大家有什么问题 英语翻译欢迎大家参加**旅行组织的**(地点)*日游.我是**旅行社的导游员我姓*,大家叫我小*就可以了,在旁边正开车的 英语翻译游客朋友们大家早上好,首先我代表中国旅行社欢迎大家前来无锡观光旅游.我是大家本次的行程导游,我叫朱xx,大家可以 英语翻译1.先生:欢迎大家来到**,首先,请允许我代表热情好客的**人民欢迎大家的观光游览.我是地方导游***,在接下来 英语翻译贺州概况各位早晨好,欢迎大家光临广西贺州.我是您此行的导游员Elizabeth,各位不妨叫我Lisa.今天非常高 英语翻译A大家上午好,欢迎参加我此次环游日本的旅程.我是你们的导游 .此次旅游维期15天,大家可以相互认识一下.有什么问 英语翻译清明上河园首先欢迎各位来到河南参观游览.我是本次行程的导游员XX,坐在我身边的这位呢,是我们的司机王师傅.在未来 当一回山西大同的导游,作文200字,开头:欢迎大家跟我来到()景点,可以说是口语交际 英语翻译我是你们今天的导游,露西 英语翻译你们好!欢迎大家来到美丽的庐山观光游览,在你未识“庐山真面目”前,请允许我先对庐山作个简单的介绍.庐山位于中国江 英语翻译欢迎来各位旅客来到杭州,我是你们的导游XX.杭州位于浙江省,是浙江有名的旅游城市,这里环境美丽,空气怡人,非常适 英语翻译老师你们好!我叫XXX我来自海南,我的家乡有美丽的大海,沙滩!欢迎大家来海南玩!