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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 13:06:48
We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be greedy. We are taught early on to be materialistic and taught to consider things, or to be exact, money, “mine” or “yours”. It seems impossible to live in the modern society without money. Money is even regarded as a symbol of wealth and social position. There is a saying that goes, “money makes a mare go.” People seem to look more highly upon ones' possession of money rather than one's dedication to society.
Some people pursue their own personal benefits at the cost of others. Some people always ask for payment after their “dedication”. Dedication and expecting nothing in return is the highest level of devotion. Lei Feng's spirit of dedication is such a typical example. Bees produce honey as a result of their hard work to the human beings without asking for any repayment. That is why we respect bees. Dedication can bring us happiness and a sense of fulfillment. One who devotes himself to society and people will have a lot of enjoyment from the process of dedication.
我们生活在一个物质社会,从小就受到了贪婪索取的训练.早期物质方面的教育使我们从小就对 “你的”和“我的”东西,或者具体一点,也就是金钱,泾渭分明.在当今社会,没有钱是不能生存的.金钱甚至被看作是财富和社会地位的象征.俗话说,“有钱能使鬼推磨.”人们似乎更看中一个人财富的多少,而不是这个人对社会贡献的大小.