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class report求翻译成英语

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 06:06:41
class report求翻译成英语
在地中海域、意大利附近有一小岛国,名 NEARGO,面积仅44平方公里,呈睡猫形,人口约2万,人们依它的国土地形,称其为「浮在海上的猫」,而这座岛国自14世纪起,就是人与猫和平共处的乐土 。
据说14世纪初,与建造了诺贝尔克城的诺贝尔伯爵一起移居到NEARGO的50多只猫,就是NEARGO CAT的祖先。当NEARGO被鼠疫的阴影笼罩时,这群猫消灭了传播鼠疫的鼠类,成了战胜鼠疫的英雄,因此被称为“neargo的英雄(Brave of Neargo)”受到当地人的尊敬和爱护。
class report求翻译成英语
In the sea,there is a small country near Italy,NEARGO,an area of only 44 square kilometers,a sleeping cat shape,a population of about 20000 people,according to its land topography,referred to it as "the cat" floating in the sea,and the island nation since fourteenth Century,is one of peaceful coexistence with the cat paradise.
Said at the beginning of fourteenth Century,and built the Nobel Nobel gram city with count moved to NEARGO 50 cats,is NEARGO CAT ancestors.When the NEARGO was plague shadow,the cat killed the transmission of plague of rodents,became overcome plague hero,so called" neargo hero ( Brave of Neargo )" by the local people's respect and love.
NEARGO founding began in cat on active,so the country either flag,currency,stamps and so on to the cat as the totem; live here cat,either cats or free cat,cat to have lived,and as a result of being resident care,take care of,rather than a general cat life more than 15 years in 3 years.