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英语翻译商法方面的论文,有时间就帮忙看下,Thus,for example,in a banking contract

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:37:47
Thus,for example,in a banking contract the law of the country of the banking establishment with which the transaction is made will normally govern the contract.It is usually the case in a commercial contract of sale that the law of the vendor's place of business will govern the contract.To take another example,in an agency contract concluded in France between a Belgian commercial agent and a French company,the characteristic performance being that of the agent,the contract will be governed by Belgian law if the agent has his place of business in Belgium (39).
In conclusion,Article 4 (2) gives specific form and objectivity to the,in itself,too vague concept of "closest connection".At the same time it greatly simplifies the problem of determining the law applicable to the contract in default of choice by the parties.The place where the act was done becomes unimportant.There is no longer any need to determine where the contract was concluded,with all the difficulties and the problems of classification that arise in practice.Seeking the place of performance or the different places of performance and classifying them becomes superfluous.
For each category of contract it is the characteristic performance that is in principle the relevant factor in applying the presumption for determining the applicable law,even in situations peculiar to certain contracts,as for example in the contract of guarantee where the characteristic performance is always that of the guarantor,whether in relation to the principal debtor or the creditor.
To counter the possibility of changes in the connecting factor ("conflits mobiles") in the application of paragraph 2,it has been made clear that the country of habitual residence or of the principal place of business of the party providing the characteristic performance is the country in which he is habitually resident or has his central administration or place of business,as appropriate,"at the time of conclusion of the contract".
英语翻译商法方面的论文,有时间就帮忙看下,Thus,for example,in a banking contract
因此,例如,在银行合同的银行建立与该交易是由通常管辖该合同国家的法律.它通常是在一个销售的商业合同,该供应商的营业地的法律将管辖该合同的情况.又如,在签订代理合同比利时之间的商业代理和一家法国公司,特征表现被代理人认为,该合同将由比利时法律管辖,如果代理人的营业地点在法国,比利时( 39).