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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 06:30:34
谁帮我翻一下这篇英文 很长的!
Donald Trump's reality show,The Apprentice,has lots to tell us about lots of things.Business schools are using it as a teaching tool,and feminist commentators are at war over whether women's sexuality represents power or slavery.The show,styled as "the ultimate job interview," pits eight beautiful young women against eight moderately attractive young men,all competing for a job in the Trump organization at a starting salary of $250,000.(Each contestant has a solid business background.) The big shocker,after five episodes,is meant to be that the women's team shamelessly use their hooters to score business wins.They have hit the streets of Manhattan and peddled warm lemonade,sweetened with kisses and their phone numbers.They have bumped and grinded to bargain for gold.They have donned toddler-sized T-shirts to induce Planet Hollywood patrons to do shots with them.The men's team has lost for four weeks running,with one man "fired" at the end of each show.The men were in fact pummeled so badly that Trump was forced into a corporate "reshuffle" this week—mixing the genders to give the four remaining men a fighting chance.
No one disputes that the women's conduct is effective:The show mostly just proves that prostitution really is the world's oldest and most lucrative profession.But debate rages over whether it's appropriate in today's business world.A Nexis search including the terms "Trump,Apprentice,and sex" reveals that 206 articles on the subject have been written.The breakdown generally goes like this:Male reviewers find the whorish conduct sad but entertaining,older women find it shameful and degrading,and younger women,particularly the cute ones,find it liberating and thrilling.One letter to the New York Times crows:"Sex is power!" Which echoes the sentiments of the show's female contestants who say things like:"If being attractive is wrong,then what we do is wrong."
All this discussion,interesting as it may be,misses the real point of The Apprentice.The gender conflict is a side issue,a distraction.The truly interesting anxiety at work in this show is generational:These women and men are revealing the massive gap between the way young men and women,and older men and older women,think about sex.
谁帮我翻一下这篇英文 很长的!
川普的现实表明,学徒,有很多告诉我们很多事情.商业学校使用资讯科技作为教学工具,和女权评论员在战争是否妇女的性行为代表权力或奴役.展会上,称为“最终面试”坑8美丽的年轻妇女对8适度吸引力的年轻男子,所有的工作竞争中的特朗普组织在起薪$ 250000 .(每个参赛者具有坚实业务背景.)大异,在五个片断,是为了将妇女的团队利用其警报器无耻得分赢得业务.他们击中,在曼哈顿街道上和兜售热烈柠檬汁,糖和亲吻他们的电话号码.他们撞毁和磨争取金牌.他们穿上学步大小T恤衫,促使行星好莱坞顾客与他们做球.男子队已经失去了四个星期运行,与一名男子“炒鱿鱼”结束时,每个节目.男子实际上大肆太差,被迫特朗普公司“改组”本周末的男女混合,使其余的四个男人的战斗的机会.