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英语翻译1.the following three basic processes promise help with

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 15:24:17
1.the following three basic processes promise help with great inefficiency:collecting tasks and projects from all you notebooks,calendars and files into one organizing system; deciding on the next steps and desired outcomes for each item; and making a habit of frequently checking and updating your to-dos and plans.
2.Students show that at least half of of the variation in intellingence quotient is inherited.But while scientists have identified some genes that can significantly lower IQ—in people afflicted with mental retardation,for example—truly important genes that affect normal IQ variation have yet to be pinned down.3.According to scientists,sending your child to piano or violin lessons in a bid to boost their academic achievement is a waste of money.Although research has shown that youngsters who take music lessons are more likely to be top of their class,psychologist Glenn claims this link is misleading.
4.Money makes the world go round,but it is not the key to happiness,according to other studies.In 2008 ,a survey from the Office for National Statistics found that British families were healthier and twice as well off as they were 20 years ago,but are no happier.
英语翻译1.the following three basic processes promise help with
1 以下三个基本过程能够帮助改善效率极端低下.从你所有的笔记本里收集任务和项目,按日历和文件组成系统;决定下一步并且为每个条目预期结果;形成经常检查和更新要做的事和计划的好习惯.
2 从学生身上我们了解到至少有一半的智力商数的变异是遗传的.但是科学家们已经鉴定出一些可以显示低智商的基因---在一些被精神病折磨的人身上,例如---真正重要的影响正常智商变化的基因尚未定下来.
3 根据科学家所言,为了提高小孩的学术成就而送他们去钢琴课或者小提琴课是一种浪费钱的行为.尽管研究表明那些上过音乐课的小孩更容易在班里名列前茅,但心理学家格伦称这种想法是种误导.
4 根据另外的研究,钱使世界运转,但不是幸福的关键.2008年,英国国家统计局调查到,英国家庭很健康并且比20年前富裕两倍,但是他们不感觉幸福.