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英语翻译The flying foolI ask you to drink to this health as a yo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 14:32:05
The flying fool
I ask you to drink to this health as a young man full of the spirit of adventure who has lit up the world with a flash of courage.” With these words ,the British Minister of Air turned and raised his glass to the young man who sat beside him—a young man who ,only a month before ,was completely unknown .Yet on first man to fly the Atlantic alone.
He had been an air mail pilot,flying back and forth between Chicago and the city of St.Louis.Determined to win the $25,000 prize offered by a fellow-American for the first flight from New York to Paris,Lindbergh had persuaded a group of St.Louis businessmen to finance the building of a special plane for him.
The news that Lindbergh intended to fly the Atlantic alone was received with disbelief.The plane would never fly,people said .It would run out of fuel.It had only a single engine.Lloyds of London refused to in sure the flight.Men called Lindbergh the ‘flying fool’.
But on May 20th,1927,just after ten to eight in the morning ,Lindbergh ‘s ‘spirit of St.Louis’,heavily laden with fuel,struggled into the air from a New York airfiekd.For several hours the weight of the petrol prevented the young pilot from flying more than a few feet above the wave-tops.Night came and thick fog covered up the stars.Lindbergh flew steadily on,hoping that his course was the right one.He struggled to keep awake,checking the fuel all the time to keep his mind active.Throughout the next day the ‘Spirit of St.Louis’ flew on over the seemingly limitless sea.Then a fishing boat appeared,and ,an hour later,land.It was Ireland.Lindbergh set a compass course for Paris.
By ten o’clock the lights of France ‘s capital were shining beneath him.Tired,unshaved,suddenly hungry,the ‘flying fool’ came down to Le Bourget airport,and landed in front of a huge crowd of wildly cheering people .After 34 hours of continupis piloting,the flight of 3,600 mile was over.
英语翻译The flying foolI ask you to drink to this health as a yo
飞行笨蛋,我请你喝这个健康作为一个年轻人,富有创造精神的 探险者点燃世界提供了一个闪光的勇气."这些话,英国公使空气 转身举起玻璃的年轻人坐在他的人--一个年轻男子中,只有前一个月 ,是一个完全陌生.然而,第一名男子飞大西洋.他一直是航空邮件飞行员,飞行往返芝加哥和城市圣路易斯.决心赢得25,000美元奖金由一位美国的首次飞行,从纽约到巴黎,lindbergh说服一群美国圣路易斯市的商人,资助建设的专机给他.消息lindbergh打算乘飞机大西洋独自获得与难以置信.飞机再也飞,有人这样说.它将耗尽燃料.它只有一个单一的发动机.伦敦劳埃德拒绝在确保飞行.男人lindbergh称为'飞行糊弄' .但在1927年5月20日,刚刚7点50分在上午 lindbergh '国'精神圣路易' ,重装满燃油,挣扎到空气中,从纽约airfiekd .几个小时重量的汽油阻止年轻飞行员从飞行超过几英尺以上 波列榜首.夜晚来到浓雾掩盖了星星.lindbergh飞抵稳定,希望他的路线是正确的.他拼命保持清醒,检查所有燃油的时间保住自己的积极心态.在第二天的精神圣路易'分乘过去看似无限的大海.当时一艘渔船出现,而一个小时后,土地.这是爱尔兰.lindbergh设定一个指南针,当然前往巴黎.到10时00分,灯光,法国的首都是照着他的下方.累了,unshaved ,突然饿了,'傻瓜飞'下来,以布尔盖特机场 降落前的一个庞大人群的疯狂欢呼.经过34个小时的continupis试点 飞行3,600英里,是过去..