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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/21 11:24:24
Dear Visa Officer:
My application for "tourist visa" to the Australian Consulate in September 15, 2011 has been rejected because of reason 676.221 (2) (a).
In fact, I apply for a tourist visa due mainly to accompany my young daughter (born in January 27, 1996 ) to Australia for checking in the attending and boarding procedure. If time permits I will also take a local tour. I intended to apply for the "visit visa" at first, but it turned that I could only apply for "tourist visa." The reason is my daughter has had a visa for studying in Australia, with the term begins at 2011 October 10. But the "Australian student visa approval", which is a requirenment of a visitor visa application, has not yet reached China. Until September 15, to gain time to prepare escort in September 15, I had to submitt the "tourist visa" instead. I feel sorry that I did not dedicate to the officer the detailed travel purpose and actual condition in the telephone interview .
my daughter's "student visa approval" has reached on September 23, 2011.To ensure her personal safety and property security, as mother and guardian, I want to escort my daughter to Australia, to help her go through the formalities work and then go back to China immediately . As the school opening time is October 10, 2011, very approaching, I hope the officer could understand and help for approval soon, thank you!

Yours sincereity
Mrs Chen
英语翻译尊敬的签证官:本人陈人于2011年9月15日,向澳大利亚馆申请“旅游签证”因676.221(2)(a)的原因导致 英语翻译本人在XXX年XXX月XXX日向贵国广州领事馆递交了四份旅游签证申请,但在之后我发现由于我的错误操作,将DS-1 英语翻译尊敬的签证官,申请人XXX,护照号XXXXXX,于几月几号递交了他们的德国签证的申请,到现在已经N个工作了,他们 英语翻译资金来源说明尊敬的签证官阁下:您好我是xxx,签证申请人xx的母亲,19xx年xx月xx日出生,我和签证申请人x 英语翻译致尊敬的签证官:我与先生刘风(澳大利亚国籍)相识于2006年3月,因为相爱我们走在了一起,并于2007年1月24 英语翻译用户取得护照后 将开始申请办理签证 如果签证的办理顺利的话 他们预计2010年1月15日-1月31日将到达SIS 英语翻译我的签证类型是旅游签证,我于1月24日到达详细 xx,我是否需要回到xx办理签证延期?在XX可以办理么?另外,我 英语翻译我的探亲签证已申请成功,机票和保险也已经买好了.保险的时间是由2月20日至5月20日,但机票的时间是由3月15日 尊敬的签证官先生/女士: 英语翻译尊敬的签证官先生您好:我此行一人,经澳大利亚的悉尼前往瓦努阿图的维拉港.中国公民去瓦努阿图有免签证待遇.特做此书 英语翻译我曾于2011年5月递交申请,但上次签证官因为我没有出国记录和认为我准备的资金不足于承担旅行的花费而糟到拒签!在 英语翻译签证发行部我就读的学校计划于2012年6月23日至2012年6月30日去美国进行海外研究,但是我不知道签证的发行