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英语翻译Molecular genetic and transgenic approaches withArabidop

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 01:40:20
Molecular genetic and transgenic approaches with
Arabidopsis in particular have rapidly expanded ourknowledge of the inducible mechanisms that plants
possess to resist abiotic and biotic stresses.Applying
this knowledge to develop resistance to stress in crop
plants and enhance their productivity has had some
limited successes (Xing and Chin 2000; Chin et al.
2001).However,current crop improvement efforts
rely on molecular breeding or transgenic approaches
to capture,express,overexpress,or silence single
candidate genes.For agricultural crops,durable stress
resistance will likely require the directed regulation
of multiple genes.Moreover crop plants,in their
environment,are simultaneously subjected to multiple
stresses (Iba 2002).Progress in identifying critical
stress resistance-related genes is forthcoming,though
gene expression profiling results show the responses
to even a single stress to be complex (Schenk et al.
2003; DeVos et al.2005; Zou et al.2005).The
experimental modeling of simultaneous multiple
stresses would be expected to produce even more
challenging and complex patterns to decipher.Therefore,
the development of effective strategies that will
enable crop plants to resist a wide range of stresses
remains a challenge for the future.
英语翻译Molecular genetic and transgenic approaches withArabidop
分子遗传以及基因转殖方法,尤其是使用阿拉伯芥,让我们对於植物用来抵抗非生物及生物逆境的诱导机制有了更快速且广泛的了解和这方面的知识.将这项知识应用於发展植物对逆境的抵抗,以及提升他们的生产力却成果有限 (Xing and Chin 2000; Chin et al.2001).但是,目前对作物改良的努力有赖於分子繁殖或者基因转殖方法来捕抓,表现,过度表现,或者静默个别侯选的基因.农作物对於逆境持久性的抗力有可能需要直接多重基因的调节.再者,作物植物在他们的环境中同时遭受到多重逆境 (lba 2002).虽然基因表现特徵结果显示,对单一逆境的反应毕竟很复杂,对於关键性逆境抗力相关的基因鉴定发展,在未来还是大有展望.同时存在的多重逆境实验模型可望产生更俱挑战性和复杂性的形态,需要我们去解码.因此,让作物植物能够抵抗广范逆境的有效策略发展仍是未来的挑战.