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英语翻译It happens to everyone of us that we encounter in this l

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 12:29:17
It happens to everyone of us that we encounter in this life a variety of trials,troubles,disappointments and frustrations.It also happens to everyone of us that we encounter happinesses,rewards,and unexpected blessings.What balance we strike- whether we build on the blessings,and progress into an ever-increase of the good things on the positive side,or whether we magnify the miseries until our life sinks to what an old nurse of mine used to call a "depressingness" on the negative side-this issue can depend to a surprising extent on what spirits we create with words.
How often do we speak of the "agony" of some small discomfort like a cut finger or a pinching pair of shoes?How often do we say,when we are a bit tired at the end of a hard day,that we are "pretty nearly dead"?By the thousands we speak poison-words.doom-words,failure-words; and every time we do so we conjure each depressing idea a little farther into life." It makes me sick," we say,and in that instant a little ghost of sickness is conjured into being to companion us."Everything always happens to me." The words come easily.We think they drift away and are gone.But they are not.We have built a little ghost of bitterness to live with.And presently,little by little,the joy has gone out of our world,and now all we can see when we look at the half-full water glass is that it is half empty.
英语翻译It happens to everyone of us that we encounter in this l
我们每个人都会遇到这种生活的各种试验,烦恼,失望和挫折.这也正是我们每个人,我们遇到幸福 ,奖励,以及意想不到的祝福.什么平衡我们走,我们是否基础上的祝福,并进展到一个不断增加的美好事物的积极方面,或者我们是否放大的苦难,直到我们的生活汇到什么一个老护士的地雷用于所谓的“ 压抑“在消极的方面,这个问题可以依靠一个令人吃惊的程度上,我们创造的精神是什么的话.
多久,我们讲的“痛苦”的一些小的不适,如切断手指或张开一双鞋?多久,我们说,当我们都有点累了年底的一天,我们是“非常接近死” ?成千上万我们讲毒话.末日论者的话,失败的话,每一次我们这样做是我们每一个令人沮丧的想法变戏法有点远成的生活. “它让我生病了,说: ”我们说,在这一点鬼即时疾病是别有用心的形成,以同伴我们. “总是会发生的一切给我. ”字来之不易.我们认为,他们流失和已经一去不复返.但他们却不是.我们已经建立了一个小鬼的痛苦生活. 渐渐地,一点一点积累,欢乐离开了我们的世界,现在我们在半玻璃杯满的水中所能看到的全部就是空了一半的杯子.