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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 05:28:16
第二段麻烦多用be allow to
made them
had to
还有 didnt have to
I have a new job, I was XX country's new president, I am very excited and proud, this is a challenging job, I will do a good job on this work, every thing, I want my the people of this land lived a happy life
Before I started my job before, XX is the country's former president, he ordered the people to pay high taxes and the need to work every day, he made them have to work 40 hours a week or more, he reduced the country's holiday and asked people are allow to get more work, he called for more than 60 years of age that they didnt have to work.
I would say that it is time to change, I want a lot of tax relief and to the people to spend more time with family and rest, rather than work, to the people with the number of holidays can enjoy their lives, everyone can choose the retirement age. Older people can voluntarily choose to not to nursing homes, the Government will pay for everything. I will arrange the work for the unemployed
I want my country to become a beautiful and peaceful. So that all may like it here!and to the people to spend more time with family and rest, rather than work, to the people with the number of holidays can enjoy their lives, everyone can choose the retirement age. Older people can voluntarily choose to not to nursing homes, the Government will pay for everything. I will arrange the work for the unemployed
I want my country to become a beautiful and peaceful. So that all may like it here!
英语翻译我有了一个新的工作,我是XX国的新总统,我感到十分的激动和自豪,这是一个富有挑战的工作,我将做好关于这个工作的每 英语翻译我是XX,我现在已经接手了XX的工作,这是我的新邮箱,求翻译 英语翻译这个工作对于我来说也许是一个挑战,但我喜欢挑战,我会尽我最大的努力把它做好. 英语翻译只有热爱一份工作,才能把它做好,我会用我的热情,细心,耐心,责任心和良好的沟通能力去面对新的挑战,请给我一个展示 英语翻译面临新的开始,我将以我满腔的热情投入新的工作中,去迎接新的人生挑战.我通过四年的大学学习,即将顺利的完成大学学业 英语翻译我喜欢从事行政方面的工作,在过去的实习和工作中累积了很多经验,可以很快适应新的工作.我是一个学工科的女生,想法和 英语翻译本人有很强的责任心,思维敏捷,接受新事物的能力强,乐于接受新的挑战,富有创造性思维,团队和独立完成工作能力强;性 中译英,自我介绍您好,我是XXX公司的XX.这是我的名片.我们总公司在日本.从事化学品相关工作,进行新物质申报等.我们在 帮我用英语翻译一下:现在我对我得到这份工作感到兴奋,激动的心情… 英语翻译1.我意识到经理并不赞成我们的建议.(conscious;动名词复合结构)2.他好像对自己高效的工作感到十分自豪 英语翻译这份工作的经历让我有机会接触到许多新的技术进步和发明创造. 英语翻译刚到YY公司的新同事 我叫** 很荣幸和你们一起工作,我将负责SOUP的订单由我来操作 请多关照!