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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 10:45:38
一.prefer sth.
"Do you like French?""Yes,but I prefer English.""你喜欢法语吗?""喜欢,但是我更喜欢英语."
注:prefer是"比较喜欢,更喜欢"的意思,即like better,因此就不能再与better,more等比较级词语连用.
二.prefer over sth.
I prefer over this newly-built lab,and you?我比较喜欢这个新建的实验室,你呢?
They prefer over new works that sing of their life today.他们更喜欢歌颂他们今天生活的新作品.
三.prefer sth.above all others
I prefer the book above all others.我最喜欢这本书.
四.prefer A to B
I prefer the original book to the revised edition.我觉得原书比修订本好.
五.prefer doing A to doing B
Even on holidays Mr.Wang preferred reading to doing nothing.即使在假日,王先生宁愿读书而不愿闲着.
六.prefer to do sth.
They prefer to spend the rest of the morning wandering in the streets.他们比较喜欢把早上剩下的时间都用来在街上闲逛.
七.prefer doing sth.
So you prefer speaking without referring to your notes?这么说,你更喜欢不看稿子做报告了?
八.prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.
These workers prefered to work extra hours at night rather than leave the work until the next week.这些工人宁愿加班干,也不愿把工作留到下一个星期.
注:这种结构中的rather than可以置于句首.例如:
Rather than go on holiday to the seaside I prefer to work days and go to school nights.我宁愿白天工作,晚上上学,而不愿到海边度假.
注:有时rather可以移至第一个不定式之前,而让than留在第二个不定式之前,即为prefer rather...than结构.这种用法多见于书面语言,在口语中很少用.
九.prefer to do sth.rather than doing sth.
They prefer to join in the celebrations rather than going on a visit to the Palace Museum.他们宁愿参加庆祝活动而不愿参观故宫.
注:有时名词也可用于rather than之后,这种用法多用以表示在某种具体场合的选择.
十.prefer sb.to do sth.
I prefer you to spare some time to come to our art exhibition next week.我宁愿你们下星期抽出点时间来看看我们的美展.
We prefer that each new student take a science course.我们希望每位新生修一门理科课程.
十二.prefer sth.(or sb.)+adj.
I prefer the door open.我宁愿门开着.
I prefer my coffee black.我爱喝不加奶的咖啡