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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:数学作业 时间:2024/09/23 14:30:38
一 发现法的特点
二 发现法在小学数学教学中的运用
自从倡导发现法以来,在国外的小学数学教学中有一些教师运用了发现法,但不普遍.最早在六十年代初,布鲁纳曾和美国数学家狄因斯合作,研究试用发现法教小学数学.他曾在小学三年级试用发现法引导儿童根据正方形的边长求面积,发现(x+ 1)(x+1)=x2+2x+1.以后一些数学教学法研究人员在这方面做了不少的研究.现在从国外书籍中选几个例子来说明.




三 对发现法的评价
Discovery method of teaching primary maths
In recent years, some teachers at the primary school math class discovery method used in the experiments for teaching and learning, this is the reform of primary school maths teaching a new attempt. With the deepening of reform teaching, many teachers make such a question: What is discovery? At primary school maths teaching how to use discovery method? As a teaching method, must have certain unique characteristics, can be differentiated from other teaching methods. Teachers in order to facilitate the research, now know the basis of some materials, the characteristics of the discovery method and its application in Primary Mathematics Teaching introduce easy to do one for reference.
One of the characteristics found in the Law
Discovery method is advocated over the past two decades abroad as a teaching method, it was also known as the law into question. At the end of the fifties and early sixties, in accordance with the rapid development of science and technology and personnel training necessary, to propose reforms in the traditional foreign materials simultaneously, corresponding to the requirements of reform and traditional teaching methods. Some psychologists and educators to advocate for "discovery" of the study methods, emphasis should allow students to discover and create their own knowledge. For example, the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget put forward: "To guide the children to re-invent them to be able to invent things." American psychologist Bruner put forward a more complete theoretical study found. He stressed that the study is to discover the knowledge, understanding a basic understanding of the structure of disciplines, the use of intuitive and analytical reasoning as well as to rely on intrinsic motivation process. He believes that "discovery is not limited to human beings to seek things not yet known, precisely, it includes the minds of their own personal access to knowledge, all the way." Therefore, he advocated the teaching of the extensive use of discovery method.
Advocates consider the merits of the main study found are: 1. To play a student initiative and creativity, their intellectual development; 2. To understand the deeper knowledge and better maintained in memory; 3. To enable students to more easily migrate and improve study and research materials and more difficult questions of interest and confidence; 4. students to explore knowledge, skills, thereby enhancing the ability of students in independent study.
Discovery method to use the general steps are as follows: 1. The creation of problem situations, the problem to be solved; 2. To be a solution to the problem and ways to collect information; 3. Make assumptions; 4. Testing hypotheses; 5. Summing up, to do a common conclusion.
We can see that the discovery method of teaching the course with new knowledge, scientists have discovered the process is basically the same. According to Bruner said, the two activities belong to the same category, the difference is only in nature and not at the level of.
Pure discovery method of teaching, emphasis throughout the child's own independent activities. In this way, the use of foreign workers than some pre-school education, in school education also have to use. However, the net found that there is a big disadvantage Act, it applies only to introduce new materials, and sometimes have difficult children, can not guarantee to achieve the desired purpose and to obtain complete knowledge of the system. So someone (such as the United States of Coles) to guide the discovery method, namely, in the preparation of a solution to the problem or make the assumption that when teachers can be prompt and appropriate help. In this way, students make up more easily, you can effectively control the learning activities of students and to ensure that the desired objective.
II found in Primary Mathematics Teaching
Since the discovery method advocated since the primary school math teaching abroad in some of the teachers have used the discovery method, but not universal. The earliest at the beginning of the sixties, Bruner had狄因斯American mathematician to study law trial found that primary schools teach math. He has worked in primary schools found that three-year probation law to guide the child in accordance with a square of side length for the area and found that (x + 1) (x +1) = x2 +2 x +1. After some math pedagogy researchers in this area to do a lot of research. Selected books from abroad are now a few examples to illustrate.
Example 1: A two-digit number in addition to teaching.
Give a problem such as 39 ÷ 3. Students can先拿39 items, each a three, put them into 13. Make several of these topics later, you can allow them to put items comprising a group of 10. For example, give this a problem: "Harry bought four candy, and each has 10. He ate one, put the remaining 3 per package into one package, distributed to the students, points to a few classmates ? "
Students may have the following method:
1. Every 3 months into a pile, then the share of the heap a few numbers;
2. 10 from three out of the first one, the remaining nine points each to three classmates, and then the rest of it into a pile of every 3 months.

3. And 2. Similar to, but they have seen 4 9.

4. They could see just 10 minutes three to 10 individuals, each of the remaining three are divided into one group.

5. And 4. Similar, but they could see the remaining nine minutes just enough to give personal 3.

After students arrive at solutions, the entire class for discussion. Teachers do not give a different algorithm evaluation. Together with another title, many students choose more than he first used a more simple approach. Further questions guiding teachers to students to find more effective methods of calculation of the vertical formation of the general computing.
Example 2: Multiplication分配律teaching.
Together give a few times and the application of title, such as: "Have three boys and four girls, to the two cookies per person, a total number of required block cookies?" Let each group may have several这道题Ways. Students come up with the following method:
Each block a few × (number of boys a few + Girl) = 2 × (3 +4), (each block a few × few boys) + (each block a few girls a few ×) = (2 × 3) + (2 × 4).
Can also use a rectangular array of methods (that is, draw a few lines in accordance with the已知数ideas, and then export the formula). Each group can set the number of line array of different sizes. Allow students to write the plot, then at a certain one of two lines or between a fold between the two click, put the array into two parts, re-write a formula to derive the plot. To 4 × 7 as an example, the form can be written as follows:
Started to let students get a square of paper, folded along the diagonal and found that each of the three angle triangles are from a right angle and two composed of half a right angle. Then allow students to take a rectangle of paper, cut along the diagonal, then should not try to find the angles of each triangle and how much. Some students quickly discovered the triangle equal angles and two right-angle, because a rectangle has four right angles, and cut the two triangles are completely equivalent.
Teacher has collected a number of containers an equilateral triangle. Children found to put six such containers up a new graphics. But can also put the three together with legislation on the table (right). This shows that each corner (according to the study of symmetric graphics quickly discovered an equilateral triangle of three equal angle) is equal to two right angles to one-third. This shows, once again the triangle equal angles and two right angles.
And teachers to students to ask questions, can be found in any triangle are the angle and how much. Teachers recommended students draw several different triangles, each corner give up its subscript. Some students folded three Kok, make them together; Some students torn three angle, put them together to fight. They found that the angular form themselves into the number of edges to form a straight line. Some students try to find angles and whether the triangle is not equal to have the two right-angle.
Finally, teachers suggested that a spherical surface draw a triangle. Students are very pleased to find that in the sphere draw some angles and the triangle are two right angles, and some are larger than two right angles.
From the above few examples we can see that maths teaching in primary schools found that the use of law, basically in line with the introduction of a few steps ahead. A few examples to highlight the common ground is to stimulate children's brains to find ways to discover the laws. Problem-solving; are different, and some teachers to guide a little more, some less teacher guidance.
3 pairs of discovery method evaluation
Since self-discovery method, foreign on this method has various evaluations. As described above except the discovery of law advocates have pointed out a number of benefits, also has a lot of people comment.
Some people found that opposition to the attitude of law. For example, the United States do not believe that as long as Gagne psychologists help students consider ways to be able to develop a capacity. Him to emphasize teaching students to master a large number of organized knowledge, teachers should be given full guidance to students in accordance with the study procedures. Another American psychologist奥苏博that the majority of students are studying should take the initiative to solve the problem, but it must be a system set up by teachers of the sequence and manner. Attendance can also consider him an intellectual on the initiative process, while at secondary school students explore the contexts may also be passive.
It was also suggested that the Law has found its scope of application, can not be used as a sole teaching method. Soviet pedagogy Babanski experts have pointed out that this method of teaching time to spend many, in the development of some skills when complex skills are modest role. The United States of maths teaching in primary schools恩德希尔research workers think, in teaching new concepts and general all-embracing knowledge can use this method, and about the concept of the name, symbols, said method is still required to be on teachers, but also in discovering new knowledge after, but also properly explain the law through the concept of repeat, pointing out that its property, as well as some details of calculation methods (such as binary adder to explain how to increase vertical specific and pay attention to what matters) and so on. University in Fukuoka, Japan, Toshio Akiyama Japanese pilot that discovered the specific delivery method for thinking at an advanced stage to form the early stages of Thinking students (aged around - around the age of twelve) are more effective, but also want to consider spending time and effort.
How to combine the specific circumstances of our country at maths teaching in primary schools found that law, not yet complete experience, need to be further studied.