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英语翻译Once the courtssaw the upholding of contracts to be thei

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 10:28:20
Once the courtssaw the upholding of contracts to be their chief role.The doctrine of freedomto contract with any person on any terms is still recognised today but is oftenin conflict with reality.Many commercial contracts are entered into by partieswho are not equal in bargaining power and so one party imposes the terms of thecontract upon the other.The practicalities of doing business over the internetinvolve the acceptance of terms which are often not read or understood.Thereis little if any sense of striking a bargain in most consumer contracts,especially those which are in a standard form,often presented on a take it orleave it basis.There is now a great deal of legislation that regulates theterms of a contract or determines the effect of terms agreed to by the parties.
英语翻译Once the courtssaw the upholding of contracts to be thei
法庭曾经一度把撤销合同把视作他们的首要职责.自由地与在任何时期与任何人签订合同的信条在今天仍然为人们所赞同/认可,但是这却经常与现实背道而驰(与现实有冲突,矛盾).政党参与了许多商业合同,他们在讨价还价的权力天平上是不平等的,所以政党在合同条款上对对方施加影响.网络上进行商业的可行性(实践性)与条款的认可(赞同,接受,)程度息息相关,但是它却难于阅读或理解.在多数消费者合同里,特别是具有标准形式/规范的合同里,没有一张是达成交易意识的但是却违背它的基础(根本)原则的合同出现.现在有很多成文法律(立法)规范了合同条款,它们为政党所认同的,具有法律效力.(水平太低,勉强翻译大意.而且你给出的悬赏难以请得动高手,费时又费脑,=_= 如果你要签订合同,还是请大学英语专业水平或者专门翻译人员比较好)