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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 23:24:01
hard [hɑ:d]adj.硬的adv.努力地例句:\x0d1.The ground is as hard as stone after the drought.\x0d长期乾旱之后土地硬得就像石头一样.\x0d2.Don't be too hard on her she's very young.\x0d别对她太严了--她还小呢.\x0d3.They work very hard.\x0d他们工作非常努力.\x0d用法:\x0d1.be hard on sb 严格对待或严厉批评某人\x0d2.be hard for sb to do sth 难做的; 难懂的; 难答的; 困难的:hardlyadv.\x0d1.刚刚; 仅仅:\x0d* I hardly know her.我不怎麽认识她.\x0d* We had hardly begun/Hardly had we begun our walk when it began to rain.我们刚一举步就下起雨来了.\x0d* I'm so tired I can hardly (ie only with difficulty) stay awake.我疲倦得简直昏昏欲睡.\x0d2.(用以表示某事未必能发生、 不大可能发生或不合情理):\x0d* He can hardly (ie cannot possibly) have arrived yet.他大概还没有到.\x0d* You can hardly expect me to lend you money again.你可别指望我再借给你钱.\x0d3.几乎没有; 几乎不:\x0d* There's hardly any coal left.几乎没有煤了.\x0d* Hardly anybody (ie Very few people) came.几乎没有什麽人来.\x0d* He hardly ever (ie very seldom) goes to bed before midnight.他很少在午夜以前就寝.\x0d* I need hardly say (ie It is almost unnecessary for me to say) that I was very upset.无庸赘言,我心乱如麻.