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英语翻译GI Bill Without this program,the middle class as we know

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:37:21
GI Bill Without this program,the middle class as we know it would not exist.The GI Bill provided government funds for 16 million World War II and Korean veterans to attend college.It allowed my father to become the first one in his family to graduate college,to become an engineer,and to go on to build a middle-class life for our family.Historian David Kennedy has remarked that “GI Bill beneficiaries changed the face of higher education,dramatically raised the educational level and hence the productivity of the workforce,and in the process unimaginably altered their own lives.”7
Federal Housing Authority.The middle class housing building and buying boom in the United States was initially financed by cheap GI Bill housing loans and by Federal Housing Authority insurance of conventional home loans.In 1945,only 44% of Americans owned their own home.But thanks in large part to the FHA program that lowered interest rates and down payments,63% of Americans owned a home by 1968.These homes have become a multi-generational source of wealth for tens of millions of Americans.The FHA still insures over $50 billion a year in mortgages,and remains especially important for low-income house buyers.
Consumer Protection.In reaction to increasing public pressure in the early 1970s,government began to pass legislation to protect consumers from shoddy and dangerous products.The Consumer Product Safety Commission remains the key agency enforcing these laws.The need it fills is still a vital one – products kill over 20,000 consumers a year and injure over 25 million more.It would be far worse if the CPSC did not recall hundreds of products every year.It is estimated that its activities produce $10 billion in savings on the health care bills,property damage,and other costs associated with these defective products.
Anti-Discrimination Policies.Since the 1960s,policies like the Civil Rights Act and Title IX have chalked up impressive gains in decreasing discrimination against minorities and women.Racial segregation in hotels,restaurants and other public facilities has been eliminated.Housing discrimination and workplace discrimination,while not completely eradicated,have been substantially reduced.College enrollment for minorities has greatly increased,jumping 48% during the 1990s alone.In terms of gender,workplace discrimination and sexual harassment have decreased and record numbers of women are now attending colleges and graduate schools.There is still room for improvement – particularly in the area of equal wages – but it is clear that these policies have made substantial progress in eliminating racist and sexist practices that had existed for hundreds of years.
英语翻译GI Bill Without this program,the middle class as we know
消费者保护.在反应在70年代初增加公众的压力,政府开始通过立法来保护假冒伪劣和危险产品的消费者.消费者产品安全委员会仍然是主要机构执行这些法律.需要它填补仍然是一个重要的一个 - 产品超过20,000杀死和伤害消费者每年超过25万以上.
吴大学和研究生院.还有改进的余地 - 尤其是在工资方面的平等 - 但很显然,这些政策已经在消除种族主义和性别歧视,民政事务总署存在了几百年的做法取得实质性进展.