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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:27:50
其中最引人瞩目的就是其代表作[雪国].由于受到年幼阶段不幸身世的影响,川端具有强烈的不相信现实的虚无感.为了填补内心的寂寞,他养成了博览群书的习惯,这使他对日本古典文学产生了浓厚的兴趣,并使他立足于日本古典文学,维护并继承了纯粹的日本传统模式.【雪国】就是一篇具有日本传统文学特点的作品,其中受 俳句和【源氏物语】的影响是值得关注的.作为美的追求者,川端勇于他 探索,敢于创新,重视小说的艺术表现,因此其小说也具有鲜明的艺术审美特征.尤其从结构美,自然美,女性美等视角充分体现了川端文学的精髓——川端对美的创造,及其对日本传统美的 探索和继承
雪国是川端文学的代表作,而女性又是川端文学不可缺少的元素.女主人公驹子和叶子的形象,堪称川端文学的女性代表.成熟女性驹子无论在外表,生活方式,还是对待爱情的方式无不体现其“ 清洁”的特点.但是在面对岛村的“徒劳”,在特殊环境下成长起来的她与岛村的爱情是不可能长久的.单纯的而具有很强虚无感的叶子是绝对处女的代表人物,是川端神往的对象.她的非现实的美也因为其不可触碰的“出女性”而最终走向死亡.【雪国】所描写的这两个女性形象又着川端所追求的不同的美,但两个人都注定是悲惨命运的化身.
One of the most striking is its representative [Snow].Stage by the young because of the impact of life experience,unfortunately,Kawabata has a strong do not believe that a realistic sense of nothingness.In order to fill the lonely heart,he formed the habit of book reading habit,which makes him the classical literature of Japan have had a keen interest in him and based on Japanese classical literature,to maintain and has inherited the traditional model of a purely Japanese.】 【Snow Country is a traditional Japanese literature with the characteristics of works by one of haiku and the impact】 【The Tale of Genji are worthy of our attention.As beauty,and Kawabata him the courage to explore,exercising imagination,attention to the novel's artistic expression,so the novel also has a distinctive aesthetic characteristics.In particular,the structure of the United States,natural beauty,female beauty,such as perspective fully reflects the essence of literature Kawabata - Kawabata,the creation of the United States,and their exploration of traditional Japanese beauty and inheritance
Kawabata,Snow Country is a masterpiece of literature,and women also are kawabata indispensable elements of literature.Komako and leaves the heroine's image,can be called on behalf of women Kawabata literature.Komako sophisticated in terms of women's appearance,lifestyle,or to treat love the way all of its "clean" characteristics.But in the face of Shimamura's "futile",under special circumstances to grow up with her love Shimamura it is impossible for long.Simple and has a strong sense of emptiness leaves are absolutely representative of a virgin,are the object of fascinated Kawabata.Her non-reality of the United States and also because its not touching the "female" and eventually to death.】 【Snow described this image of two women also pursued by the Kawabata different the United States,but two people is doomed to be the incarnation of the tragic fate