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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 00:43:05
in the processing of learning english,speaking and listening is our hot topic.to the people whose mather language isn't english,th aim to learning english is not only unerstanding but also communication.firstly,we should understand what words,sentences they say and what content they want to discribe.secondly,we are able to express fluently and discribe what we want to him know.only in this way,we can get the aim to communication.listening and speaking just corresponds to the two parts we disbribe above article .understanding what they say and expressing ourselves can help the basic communicationg. generally,the level of a person's hearing and speaking ability are inseparable. with high levels of hearing people can understand very well the intention of the speaker and be able to hear the expression of some idioms, and oral exchanges in the future from its own memory to call the appropriate way of expression; people with relatively good oral expression general hearing was better, because the expression is in an oral communication environments, and to make others understand the meaning of their own must first understand the habits and methods of expression to others, which is the scope of listening skills. so, speaking and listening indivisible, while the hearing are also the basis of ability to play a role.
英语翻译请帮忙修正.原文:学习英语很难,对于中国的学生来说,学习英语很难。需要记忆大量的单词和语法,在母语的基础上学习和 英语翻译增强意识和转变态度对英语学习中错误的研究是伴随着对儿童学习母语的研究而发展的.人们发现,儿童学习并掌握母语,似乎 介绍英语学习方面的方法经验包括提高听力口语和写作写一篇英语作文 母语环境 英语怎么说对于他们,在非母语环境下学习英语是很困难的.求翻译这句话,重要的是非母语环境下 用英语怎么说最好整句 英语翻译然而,由于中西方思维方式和文化等的差异,中国的英语学习者在学习英语的过程中就难免受本国固有的思维模式和母语干扰的 英语翻译1.做大量的听力练习是学好语言的秘诀之一 2.我觉得记单词很容易 3.你可以通过和英语为母语的人交流提高口语 要 求标准的语法翻译在英语学习过程中,阅读是至关重要的,但对于大多数学生来说阅读是很困难的,在阅读过程中存在的最突出的问题是 跪求一篇英语作文作文要求是:关于英语学习的问题英语学习中有没有问题,应该如何解决,如何让刻苦学习?在学习的过程中,该怎样 英语翻译语言修辞在文学中有着重要作用,它有助于提高语言素养和语言艺术的水平.对于我们来说,学习修辞并善于运用各种修辞手法 我学习英语六年,但是发音是错的,一个简单对话都听不懂,如何提高英语听力及口语? 初中毕业在即,相信同学们在英语学习的过程中都会有不同的经历和感受。某英语学习报“特别关注”栏目本期开设的话题是“It i 在学习英语中经常会遇到的一些问题?