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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/11 10:23:04
Because the novel is occurring in times of war, a late occurrence of air combat, a pilot with a parachute landing ground when dead. Sam and Eric in dark environment thought he saw a" monster", make the island shocked. So Lei Erfu, Jack and his assistant Roger went to see. They are far to see the rotting corpses think the monster. Jack decided to undertake a leadership election but no people would vote for him. He decided to leave and establish his own camp, a lot of relatively large small friends Jack leave. Jack became a tyrant and his followers, but Lei Erfu believes that they are the" savage". Jack and his forces killed a pig, Jack cut its head on a stick, said to be sacrificed to the monster. Fly begins wandering around in pighead. At this time, Simon came here the illusion. He heard the dead PigHead ( he is hallucinating that it is Lord of the flies ) talk to him and ask him to do. Simon found" monster" is actually in everyone's heart, he also found the monster really is."". He immediately ran down the hill to tell this message to others to listen. However, he went to others because of the dark. Think Simon monsters will kill him.因为这本小说是发生在战争时代,有一晚发生了空战,一个机师用降落伞降落地面时死了.山姆和艾利克在黑暗的环境下以为看到了“怪兽”,令全岛震惊.所以雷尔夫,杰克与他的助手罗杰(Roger)去了看.他们在远方看见腐烂的尸体便以为是怪兽.杰克决定再进行一次领袖选举可惜没有人投他一票.他决定离开和建立自己的营地,很多比较大的小朋友(Biguns)又跟了杰克离开.杰克便变成了暴君和他的跟随者,而雷尔夫认为他们是“野人”. 杰克和他的阵营杀了一只母猪,杰克割了它的头摆上了棍上,说是供奉给怪兽.苍蝇开始在猪头旁边徘徊.这时,赛门来到这裹发生了幻觉.他听到死了的猪头(他产生幻觉以为它是蝇王)跟他说话和叫他做事.赛门发现“怪兽”其实是在每个人的心裹,他也发现了怪兽的“真面目”.他立刻跑下山讲这个消息给其他人听.但是,他到了的时候其他人因为黑暗的缘故以为赛门是怪兽便错手杀了他.