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英语翻译经 销 合 同甲 方:乙 方:经甲乙双方友好协商,本着互惠互利共同发展的原则,达成以下合同条款:一.乙方承诺甲方

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 21:31:47
经 销 合 同
甲 方:
乙 方:
七.本合同期限从 年_ _月_ _日至 年_ _月_ _日止.
甲 方:乙 方:
地 址:地 址:
电 话:电 话:
日 期:日 期:
不要通过Google翻译来哦 我也会的!
英语翻译经 销 合 同甲 方:乙 方:经甲乙双方友好协商,本着互惠互利共同发展的原则,达成以下合同条款:一.乙方承诺甲方
The sales contract
Party A:
By both parties and friendly consultation, mutual benefit and common development, reached the following terms of the contract:
1. Party B undertakes to Party A Party B drinks dealer, products required by Party B, Party B shall entrust Party Purchasing and Supply.
2. Both the responsibility
1. Party A for the goods must meet the national standard or enterprise standard of qualified products, and promised never no fake and shoddy products.
2. If Party B for Party A product found to have quality problems, should inform Party A, Party A is responsible for disposal according to the actual situation.
3. Party B of the order received notice, should be within three working days to delivery of goods designated location B, Party B shall, after receiving special delivery note signed, as invoices.
4. Party A for alcohol, in the B place of business, promotion, marketing personnel assigned, Party B shall actively assist.
3. Product Name Price and Payment:
1. Party A Party B of the various types of goods, price by mutual consent, the commodity price lists, signed and sealed to be sure, if changes need to be implemented after mutual consent.
2. As the market increases in commodity prices to float downward, Party A shall inform Party B in writing in advance. After mutual agreement to supply.
3. Party A for the settlement payment for the goods: monthly (30 days per month both parties to the reconciliation of the month on the 3rd, Party A will invoice delivery to Party B, Party B from 5 to 10 per month will be a party last month, full payment remittance to the Party designated bank)
4. Breach
(A) following a breach of contract
Inconsistent with the Party and national standards for products or enterprises standards.
Party B then not timely report delivery after delivery (72 hours) and even the impact of B for business. (Except factory stock-out)
Party arbitrarily raise sales prices.
Party B can not end by the time stipulated in the contract paragraph.
(B) Both parties have the right to pursue breach of contract claim
5. Both parties to provide business license, corporate ID cards or copies of relevant documents.
6. Occurred during the execution of this contract, any dispute, both sides should be friendly consultations, can not be solved by negotiation, any party may in litigation where the district court to resolve.
7. The term of the contract dated from the year _ _ _ _ to _ _ years _ _ months date.
Party A: Party B:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
Representative Signature: Signed on behalf of:
Date: Date:
合同汉译英啊!甲、乙双方本着平等互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商,就乙方作为甲方产品的代理销售事宜,达成以下协议.双方均 英语翻译甲乙双方本着诚实守信、互惠互利的原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议:由于甲方在中国业务不断扩大,急需技术支持和业务顾 英语翻译甲已双方经友好协商,本着遵守法律,公平诚信的原则,就甲方事宜,甲方全权委托乙方提供项目策划服务,双方达成以下合同 英语翻译协议书甲方代表:乙方代表:经甲乙双方友好协商,一致同意达成以下协议:一、 甲方保留乙方交给甲方的样板货物壹张,样 英语翻译本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,经双方协商达成如下协议:第一条:租赁位置及面积甲方将XX市XX区XX路XX广场__ 英语翻译汽车租赁协议出租方(以下简称甲方):青岛市四方区益佳汽车租赁行承租方(以下简称乙方):甲乙双方经友好协商,就汽车 英语翻译产品借用展示协议为了加强进一步合作,经甲乙双方友好协商,签订如下协议:一、 乙方(借方)向甲方(借出方)借用如下 英语翻译一、经甲乙双方友好协商就乙方向甲方购买××产品一事双方达成下列约定:甲方产品如达不到乙方质量要求,应由乙方出示详 英语翻译甲方:携程计算机技术(上海)有限公司 (携程旅行网)乙方:双方就保留房预订业务,经友好协商,共同达成以下协议:1 英语翻译甲乙双方为了企业发展的需要,本着互惠互利,平等合作的原则,达成如下合约.用英语怎么翻译阿? 中译英:本着互惠互利的原则,共同发展. 英语翻译在平等互惠、互相扶持、共同发展的基础上,甲方和乙方双方经过充分协商,共同签订本合同.由乙方向甲方提供合同规定的产