作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 23:24:59
1 Please tell me how to do with the nauqhty boy。 2 I bougut a new bike yesterday。 3 The question is not difficult to answer。 4 Your son is a good student in our class。 5 We should keep our room clean。 6 The two boys want to join in the party。 7 Grandpa was watching TV at that time。 8 She became a docter after graduation。 9 Mother asked me to buy some milk and bread。 10 Can you tell me the way to the hotel。 11 He left the door open。 12 Smoking is harmful for you。 13 Four will be enough。 14 She is at school。 15 The coffee tastes good。 16 The news sounds interesting。 17 I will became a teacher。 18 My task is to clean the room。 19 I met him yesterday。 20 We decide to leave there。 21 She loves swimming。 22 I like my tea hot。 23 I saw her washing it。 24 we flew from A to B。 25 A lady stopped to talk to me。 26 The man in the car is Mr GREEN。 27 Do you like apple juice。 28 My mum bought me a bike。
3 The question是主语,is not 是系词,difficult 是表语,to answer是状语。
4 Your son是主语, is 是系词,a good student是表语, in our class是状语。
5 We是主语, should keep是谓语, our room 是宾语,clean是宾语补足语。
6 The two boys 是主语,want是谓语, to join in the party是宾语,。
7 Grandpa是主语, was watching 是谓语,TV是宾语, at that time是状语。
8 She是主语, became是系词, a docter 是表语,after graduation是状语。
9 Mother 是主语,asked是谓语, me 是间宾,to buy some milk and bread是直宾。
10 Can you tell me the way to the hotel。
You是主语,can tell是谓语,me 是间宾,the way是直宾, to the hotel是定语。
11 He是主语, left是谓语, the door是宾语, open是宾语补足语。
12 Smoking 是主语,is是系词, harmful 是表语,for you。
13 Four 是主语,will be 是系词,enough是表语,。
14 She是主语, is 是系词,at school是表语。
15 The coffee 是主语,tastes 是系词,good是表语,。
16 The news是主语, sounds是系词, interesting是表语,。
17 I 是主语,will became 是系词,a teacher是表语,。
18 My task 是主语,is是系词, to clean the room是表语,。
19 I 是主语,met是谓语, him是宾语, yesterday是状语。
20 We 是主语,decide是谓语, to leave there是状语。
21 She是主语, loves 是谓语,swimming是宾语。
22 I是主语, like是谓语, my tea 是宾语,hot是宾语补足语。
23 I 是主语,saw 是谓语,her是间宾 washing it是直宾。
24 we是主语, flew是谓语, from A to B是状语。
25 A lady 是主语,stopped 是谓语,to talk to me是宾语。
26 The man是主语, in the car 是定语,is 是系词,Mr GREEN是表语。
27 Do you like apple juice。
You 是主语,do like是谓语,apple 是宾语.
28 My mum是主语, bought是谓语, me 是间宾,a bike是直宾。