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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 05:29:47
我们是学生,学生离开教室前记得关灯,尽量骑自行车去上学,还要回收废纸和饮料瓶,不乱扔垃圾,在购物时自己带篮子,不用塑料袋,来保护卫生。多参加植树活动美化我们的环境。这就是好学生的标准。 We are students, the students leave the classroom, remember to turn off the light before, try to go to school by bike, but the recycling of waste paper and the beverage bottle, do not throw garbage, while shopping with their baskets, not plastic bags, to protect health. Participate in tree planting activities to beautify our environment. This is the standard of a good student. 上个星期天我和老师同学们开展了一个活动,出发时间是早上八点,地点在学校门口,这次活动的目的地在济宁市附近的一个小镇我们是坐着公交车出发的,同学们所带东西是有关环保的海报或宣传单,这次活动的内容是上午贴海报、发传单,宣传环保知识;下午捡垃圾、塑料袋,打扫街道,种花、种树......;傍晚回家后,虽然累但是高兴。 Last Sunday, my classmates and teachers to carry out an activity, the departure time is eight a.m., place at the school gate, the aim of this event in the city of Jining near a small town we sit bus starting, students with things related to environmental posters or flyers, this activity content is the morning of posters, leaflets, propaganda environmental protection knowledge; afternoon to pick up the trash, plastic bags, cleaning the streets, flowers, trees ...; evening after returning home, tired but happy.
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