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英语翻译1 《廊桥遗梦》安排了一个很清晰的逻辑:一个自称看世界就像把手插在裤袋里浏览商店的橱窗一样的最后一个牛仔,一个被

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 20:25:26
1 《廊桥遗梦》安排了一个很清晰的逻辑:一个自称看世界就像把手插在裤袋里浏览商店的橱窗一样的最后一个牛仔,一个被岁月遗忘久了的农夫之妻,在一次偶然的邂逅里度过了让情爱熊熊燃烧的4天.这是一段典型的婚外情,道德对于婚外情永远说的一个字就是“不”,但作者却不用理性去正面碰惹人们的脑海中的道德,而是用感性的魅力去缴械道德.他先是把这段婚外情描写得如醇酒般醉人,天使般圣洁.然后设计了一个很巧妙的结局:女主人公为了不伤害丈夫和孩子,宁愿永失所爱,一个人留在了没有一点激情的生活里;男主人公本来可以要求心上人伴其远走天涯,但他认为“爱就是尊重”,从此一个人独自漂泊,并以抑郁而终结束了生命的乐章.作者就这样巧妙地在神化主人公为道义所做的牺牲时解脱了他们所应背负的道德枷锁.……婚外情在这里成了一种可供尝试的美丽和安全的可能.
2 《廊桥遗梦》向我们描述了一段柏拉图式的经典爱情,再现了一段真挚的情感纠葛,是一部社会化和本地化思维很强的力作,《廊桥遗梦》之所以让人震惊,大概是它提出了爱情的本质问题之一——人们对于性爱的态度.在影片里,冲动而浪漫的性爱对传统观念进行了激烈的冲击,然而女主人公最终还是放弃了这段爱情,甘于在日后的平淡生活中靠回味来回忆这次情爱,这一切仿佛道出了人们生活中的真谛:爱情不管怎样,都是有责任和义务的,每个人都不可能在爱情中自私地只为了自己;生活本来就是平凡的,所有的亮色和亮点不过是其中的点缀,是可望而不可及的.
英语翻译1 《廊桥遗梦》安排了一个很清晰的逻辑:一个自称看世界就像把手插在裤袋里浏览商店的橱窗一样的最后一个牛仔,一个被
1 "The Bridges of Madison County" has arranged a very clear logic:a claim to see the world like the handle inserted in the pocket of his trousers in the same browser window stores the last cowboy,a long-forgotten days of the farmer's wife,in a met by chance spent so love burning for 4 days.This is a typical extra-marital affairs,the moral is always the extra-marital affairs,said the one word is "no",but the author has no reason to making a positive impact in people's minds and moral,but with emotional and moral charm to disarm.First,the period of his extra-marital affairs were described as intoxicating as wine,holy angelic.And then designed a very clever ending:the heroine in order not to harm her husband and children,who have lost a loved one would prefer a person to remain in the no life passion; male character could have been asked to leave his sweetheart with the End of the World,but he believes that "Love is respect," drifting from one person alone,and depression and finally put an end to the movement of life.In this way the author skillfully as a moral hero in the deification of the sacrifices made by them to be free to bear the yoke of the moral.......Extra-marital affairs are here for trying to become a beautiful and secure possible.
2 "The Bridges of Madison County" to describe a classic Platonic love,a sincere representation of the emotional entanglement,is a community and a strong localization of thinking and working hard,"Bridges of Madison County" is shocking,is that it probably has one of the nature of love - the people's attitude to sex.In the film,the romantic impulses of the traditional concept of sex had a strong impact,but ultimately the heroine to give up this love,be willing in the future life on the plain to savor the memories of love,all seem to speak the essence of people's lives:love in any case,are the responsibilities and obligations,everyone can not love only for their own selfish; life is the extraordinary,all the Light and bright is the embellishment of which is elusive.
英语翻译1 《廊桥遗梦》安排了一个很清晰的逻辑:一个自称看世界就像把手插在裤袋里浏览商店的橱窗一样的最后一个牛仔,一个被 我梦见猴子杀我梦见来到一个类似于商店的橱窗前,开到里面有一只猴子,长的很凶,心里怕怕,继续走在橱窗的隔壁还有两个橱窗分别 中国结阅读答案这几年,有一个特别受宠的饰物——中国结.你看,在商店的橱窗里,在百姓的客厅中,在机关单位的大门口;在欢庆申 晚上看在空中有一个光飘来飘去的 、形状就像一朵云 老是在空中循环着飘 就像在轨道里一样 也就10多米高 、 你就像救生圈一样,在大海里的我离开了救生圈,那么结果只有一个用英语怎么说 高清晰望远镜想买一个将2公里远处的景物,拉近,就像在眼前一样看得很清楚的失真很小又价格实惠的日常生活当中用的望远镜.什么 英语翻译比早晨更早趁人们还没有像甲壳虫一样爬上橱窗和公车阳光打在我的脸上我看到一个姑娘拿着水桶与抹布擦拭着我的眼睛我的眼 想象一下幻想中的世界想象一下你期望的世界就像屠格涅夫的《蔚蓝的王国》一样想象出一个世界以及你在干什么 英语翻译Tom是一个很可爱的男孩.他很勇敢.有一天,他在公交车上.一个高个子男人偷偷地把手伸进了一位站着的乘客的包里,拿 阅读呵护世界文章呵护世界 我曾经在一个开满鲜花的公园里散步,当我走近一座花坛时,一个像鲜花一样美丽的小女孩挡住了我,轻轻 呵护世界语文题呵护世界 我曾经在一个开满鲜花的公园里散步,当我走近一座花坛时,一个像鲜花一样美丽的小女孩挡住了我,轻轻地 呵护世界 阅读答案呵护世界 我曾经在一个开满鲜花的公园里散步,当我走近一座花坛时,一个像鲜花一样美丽的小女孩挡住了我,轻