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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 17:49:28
我很高兴能有机会在此为大家说上几句.为这对新人,XXX XXX献上祝福!
Ladies andgentlemen!

I amvery happy to talk on this stage for these people, XXX and XXX!
I wish them ahappy life in their future with cheerful kids and enough money!
I am glad forthem to marry! I wanted them to be the best family in the world!

I have finished my talk!


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we shall celebrate the wedding of thetwo people, XXX and XXX.
AsI know, they are wealthy so I will take over all their money when they die!HAHAHA! I wish that they won’t spend a single penny in their lives so I willtake all of it! HAHAHA!


Females and males,

Today, we shall celebrate the wedding of thetwo people, XXX and XXX.
Sorrybut the oxygen today may contain more carbon dioxide because I am moving my 72muscles to say this and breathing in mostly oxygen and carbon dioxide to letthem go into my lungs. Oh, my heart is beating now, bringing the blood aroundthe body to the lungs and I am creating carbon dioxide, sorry. The water that thebride and the bridegroom will drink contains 99.99999% dihydrogen monoxide hoaxand the 0.00001% might be dangerous liquids such as chlorine trifluoride or candidateor nitrogen tetroxide or sarin or digoxin or hydrogen peroxide or ethyleneglycol or nicotine or strychnine or tabun or tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or VXor batrachotoxin. But the possibility of those liquids being in the drink isvery less so don’t worry.

Good bye and sorry for all the carbon dioxideI created.


Ladies and gentlemen!

Today, let’s forget everything and party thebest we can! I will be a cow and you are a sheep! The bride will be a chickenand the bridegroom will be a horse! Oh yeah, I will want to drink even though Iam not yet 18! We shall party as if it is the only thing we can do! Oh yeah!

Thank you! Go, go, party!


Ladies and gentlemen,

I don’t even want to be on here! My parentsforced me to! This is just so boring! I wish that time will pass two times asquickly! Oh, why am I still talking? This is just boring! Why do I have to dothis silly job? This is just so retarded.

Oh, finally, I’m leaving. Bye.

哦,还有,关于口音的事,如果你不是从小听英语都是外国人说的,那么你是不可能练出口音的.还有,如果真的想练 (你是练不出来的!)那么不要事英国口音. 我是英音的,苏格兰.说英语时,美国口音的人听不清,只有英国人才听的清楚所以就更不要说中国人了.呵呵.
再问: 能够再写点,祝福他们的吗?
再答: Females and males, Today, we shall celebrate the wedding of thetwo people, XXX and XXX. Sorrybut the oxygen today may contain more carbon dioxide because I am moving my 72muscles to say this and breathing in mostly oxygen and carbon dioxide to letthem go into my lungs. Oh, my heart is beating now, bringing the blood aroundthe body to the lungs and I am creating carbon dioxide, sorry. The water that thebride and the bridegroom will drink contains 99.99999% dihydrogen monoxide hoaxand the 0.00001% might be dangerous liquids such as chlorine trifluoride or candidateor nitrogen tetroxide or sarin or digoxin or hydrogen peroxide or ethyleneglycol or nicotine or strychnine or tabun or tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or VXor batrachotoxin. But the possibility of those liquids being in the drink isvery less so don’t worry. 我是你的话我会说这个
英语翻译我舅舅28岁了,十月二日结婚.我是他的外甥,13岁,想在婚礼现场用英文为他献上一段祝福语.具体格式要有,正文,最 婚礼上的祝福歌曲我的一个姐姐要结婚了,我打算和另一个姐姐一起在婚礼上祝福她,打算一个唱一个弹,所以现在想求一个祝福歌曲, 我姐姐结婚了马上,帮我想一段祝福语吧,要英文的 谁的英语比较好?我的叔叔这周日要结婚了,我想在婚礼上用英文表达我的祝福,可是自己英文水平较低,怕会出丑,写完的英文句子, 英语翻译:那我祝福她新婚快乐百年好合(某人告诉我他女儿要结婚了) 英语翻译我是一名护士,今天早上Mr.Croft来到了我们的医院,他说他牙疼,但是没有预约,我让他在四月二十四日星期一上午 强强的舅舅来看他,强强问舅舅多少岁了,舅舅说:“我像你这么大时,你才4岁;你到我这么大时我就37岁了. 英语翻译1.他们准备要结婚,结果婚礼被破坏了2,最后他还是没有治好他的病 张强的舅舅来看他,张强问舅舅多少岁,舅舅说我像你这么大时,你才4岁,等你到了我这么大时,我就40岁了. 强强的舅舅来看他,强强问舅舅多少岁,舅舅说:“我像你这么大时,你才3岁; 等你到了我这么大时,我就36岁了. 强强的舅舅来看他,强强问舅舅多少岁,舅舅说:“我像你这么大时,你才4岁;等你到了我 强强的舅舅来看他,强强问舅舅多少岁了,舅舅说:“我像你这么大时,你才4岁;你到我这么大时……