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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 20:33:36
占地面积- - - cover an area of - - - square kilometers/square meters
2. 说- - play an important part/role in- - -
3. 喜欢- - - be fond of- - -/ go in for- - -
4. 谈人口/人数有- - - have a larger/smaller population of - - -
5. 过去是- - - used to be- - - / There used to be
6. 据说- - - It is said that- - - / It is thought that - - - / It is believed that - - -
7. 时间飞逝.How times flies./ As times goes by,- - -
8. 很重视- - - pay much attention to- - -/ take great care of - - -
9. 对- - -有损害 do much damage to- - -/do harm to
10. 求职信的结尾:Please give me a chance,and I am sure to return you a great surprise.
11. 代我向- - -问候:Please give my regards to- - - / Remember me to- - -
12. 带- - -逛一逛:show - - - around
13. 下决心做- - -:make up one’s mind to do sth./ be determined to do
14. 盼望:look forward to sth./doing sth.
15. 感激- - -:be grateful to- - - / appreciate one’s help / can’t thank you enough
16. 对- - - 感兴趣:have/take an interest in
17. 能胜任——:be fit for the post
18. 有句俗语说得好:As the old saying goes,
(East or west,home is best./ Knowledge is power
Where there is a will,there is way./ All roads lead to Rome.
Practice makes perfect./ Failure is the mother of success.
No pains,no gains./ Health is better than whealth.
19. 认为- - -好极了,think highly of - - - / sth.can’t be better
20. 为- - -树立了榜样 set a good example to
21. 突然想出了好主意 A good idea suddenly strikes me that - - -
A good idea flashed into my mind that - - -
22. 拜访,参观 pay a visit to / call at
23. 不能- - -,有困难做- - - fail to do - - - / have difficulty (in) doing
24. 同意,与- - -一致 agree with- - - / in line with
25. 利用- - - make use of - - - / take advantage of - - -
26. 事物具有双面性.Every coin has two sides./ Every sword has two edges.
27. 对- - -有影响 have a good ( bad ) effect on
28. 与- - -有关系 have something (much,nothing ) to do with
29. 进展,发展 make progress in - - - / get along with - - -
30. 处理,应付 deal with - - - / see to - - -
31. 努力去做take measures/steps to do - - -
make great efforts to do sth.
32.确信- - - There is no doubt that - - -
33.只有这样才能- - - Only in this way can you/we - - -
34.许多- - - a huge number of - - -
a great deal of - - -
35.- - give sb.a hand to do - - -
offer to help sb.- - - / With the help of sb.
36.变化大,焕然一新 take on a new look
37.花费- - -去做 It takes/took sb.sth.to do - - -
38.浪费时间/金钱 a waste of time/money
39.不得不去做- - - have no choice but to do sth.
40.需要- - - be in need of
写好后 再加50分
1.The hospital cover an area of some 8000 square meters.这间医院的占地面积大约8000平方米.
2.Clowns play an important role in a circus.小丑在马戏中扮演着重要的角色.
3.I'm fond of sleeping.我喜欢睡觉.
4.China has a large population of 13 billion.中国有十三亿人口.
5.They say she used to be nice.他们说她过去是个挺好的人.
6 It's said that we can leave tomorrow.据说我们明天就可以离开了.
7 As time goes by ,i'm already 18 now.时间飞逝,我都已经18岁了.
8 Don't pay much attention about your apperance.不要太在意你的外貌.
9 Smoking do much damage to your health.吸烟对身体有害.
10 (是要中文翻译吗) 请你给我一个机会,我相信我会给你惊喜的.
11 Please give my regards to your mother 请代我向你的母亲问好.
12 Can you show me around the park 你能带我在公园逛逛吗?
13 Just make up your mind to learn English well.你一定要决心学好英语.
14 He has been looking forward to going to England for a long time.
15 Be grateful to others is a way to show your love.感谢他人是一种方法,表明你的爱.
16 I began to take an interest in the study of English.我开始对学习英语感兴趣.
17 it is a matter of (whoever ) would be fit for the post.谁都可以胜任这个岗位,(选择谁)这是个问题.
18 金窝银窝不如自己的狗窝 知识就是力量 有志者事竟成 条条大路通罗马 熟能生巧 失败是成功之母 一分耕耘一分收获 健康比财富更重要
19 Young people think highly of pop music.流行音乐得到年轻人的赞赏.
20 All of a sudden ,a good idea suddenly strikes me that he can go replace me to go to the cinema .突然,我想到一个好主意,他能代替我去电影院.
21 Lei Feng set a good example to us.雷锋为我们树立了好榜样.
22 I hope to pay a visit to the Great Wall.我希望去长城游览一番.
23 I have some difficulty of dealing with the job .我想我胜任这份工作有一定的困难.
24 I agree with you to some degree.在某种程度上我与你意见一致.
25 So I need to take advantage of that.所以我需要充分利用这个优势.
26 So,every coin has two sides,we should choose the right one.
27 Did the medicine have a good effect on the disease?
28 It must have something to do with the accident.
29 She is eager to make progress in her work.她热切在工作中有所进步.
30 I'll deal with the children later.孩子们的事由我以后去处理.
31 I told myself i must made great efforts to overcome the case .我告
32 There is no doubt that our class will win the game.毫无疑问,我们班将会赢得这场比赛.
33 Only in this way can you succeed.只有用这种方式你才能成功.
34 You can perform a huge number of functions and have any number of vehicles.你可以发挥它强大的功能并且可以对多辆车辆进行管理.
35 I believe you can succeed with the help of your parents.我相信在你父母亲的帮助下你一定会成功的.
36 I hope Beijng starts to take on a new look now.我希望北京从现在起能展露一种新貌.
37 It took me 2 hours to finish my homework .我花了两个小时才完成我的作业.
38 Worrying is most often just a waste of time.绝大部分的担心只不过是在浪费时间.
39 I had no choice but came back home .我别无他法吗,只好回家.
40 We are in need of time to realize our dreams .我们需要时间来实现我们的梦想.