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求大神们帮忙英语翻译一篇应聘书 谢谢了   xxxx公司领导(联系人要尽量具体):   您

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 12:25:03
求大神们帮忙英语翻译一篇应聘书 谢谢了   xxxx公司领导(联系人要尽量具体):   您
求大神们帮忙英语翻译一篇应聘书 谢谢了   xxxx公司领导(联系人要尽量具体):   您好!很有幸在毕业生求职网了解到贵公司的招聘信息,衷心的感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的简历.通过xx网站,我对贵公司有了初步了解,凭着良好的直觉,我向贵司投递简历并附此信函毛遂自荐.   我是一个热爱工作,热爱美容行业的女孩,有3年的美容师工作经验,希望可以竞聘贵公司美容导师这一职位.热情大方,积极主动,乐观向上是我的天性.三年的美容师工作经历更是全面培养了我的学习能力,工作能力,社交能力和生活能力.总结我这三年来的收获,我想有几个“一”来概括:   我终于找到了一个我喜欢的行业,喜欢的职业;掌握了一门美的艺术,美的技术,练就一手美容美体好手法;每天与不同的客户沟通,增长见识,更锻炼出一副好口才.因此,我时刻心怀一份感激.  感谢我的老板,同事,客户,给了我很多的鼓励与帮助;感谢曾经到过我们美容院的美容导师,我从她们身上不仅学到了很多的美容知识,销售技巧,更多的是她们的人生态度,敬业精神.带着这份感激之情,我离开了我曾经工作的美容院,为的是不断挑战自己,超越自我.做一名优秀的美容导师,带着好的产品,好的技术,结合我自身的工作经验深入到全国各地的美容院“传道,授业,解惑”是我向往已久的工作目标.望贵公司能给予我这次实现目标的机会.谢谢!   我最喜欢的一句话是:态度好才能获得信任,能力强才能承担责任.这句话我一直铭记在心,并成为我职场德行的参照.尊敬的领导如果您认可我,请您投上宝贵的一票,谢谢!   恭祝工作顺利!贵司生意兴隆!   求职者:xx   联系手机:xxxxxxxx,家庭电话:xxxxxxx,邮箱:xxxx   xxxx年xx月xx日
求大神们帮忙英语翻译一篇应聘书 谢谢了   xxxx公司领导(联系人要尽量具体):   您
xxx company leaders ( contact to try to be specific) :
I am very fortunate in graduate recruitment job site find your company's information , and sincerely thank you for your busy schedule to read my resume . By xx website, I have a preliminary understanding of the Company , with good instincts , I volunteered along with this letter to your company resume . I am girl who love work and love beauty industry .I have three years of work experience as a beauticians, and i hope of competition for this position of your company cosmetology instructor . Warm and generous , active , optimistic is my nature . Beautician three years work experience is more fully develop my ability to learn, work ability , social skills and life skills. Summarize harvest my three years , I think there are a few " a " to summarize : I finally found one industry or occupation i like ; mastering a beautiful art , beauty techniques , and learned first-hand beauty good practices ; daily communication with different customers, increase their knowledge, more exercise a pair of good eloquence. So , I always harbor a debt of gratitude . Thanks to my boss , colleagues , customers, gave me a lot of encouragement and help ; thanks to beauty salons visited our mentors , not only from them I learned a lot of beauty knowledge , sales skills , and more is their attitude to life , professionalism. With this gratitude, I left the beauty salon I used to work , in order to constantly challenge ourselves to better ourselves . To be a good beauty tutor , with good products, good technology, combined with my own experience deep into beauty salons across the country , " preaching, Tuition, FAQ ," I have long wanted to work objectives. Hope your company can give me the opportunity to achieve this goal . Thank you, my favorite phrase is: “Good attitude to get the confidence , ability to take responsibility. ”These words always keep in my mind , and become my professional virtue of reference . Dear leaders if you recognized me , please cast your valuable vote , thank you .Wish your company business booming . Job seeker: Contact phone: Home Phone : E-mail : Date: