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英语翻译Chinese.Domesticating translation" and "foreignizing tra

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 15:33:47
Chinese.Domesticating translation" and "foreignizing translation" are the term coined by L.Venuti (1995) to describe the two different translation strategies.
The former refers to the translation strategy in which a transparent,fluent style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers,while the latter designates the type of translation in which a target text "deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining The roots of the terms can be traced back to the German philosopher Schleiermacher’s argument that there are only two different methods of translation," either the translator leaves the author in peace,as much as possible,and moves the reader towards him;
People often discuss literal translation and free translation.We lay stress on how to handle two different kinds of language.And which way of translation is better to use to translation a sentence.Especially,target language must express what source language meams,distortion is not allowed.Literal translation and free translation are two main forms of translation.They are not repulsive,contrarily,they are complementary.Translation literally,if possible,or appeal to free translation.Literal translation retains original skill.So it is get on for original.When literal translation,encounter some obstades,people often use free translation.
Free translation expresses general idea of the original,and can be accepted by readers.A good translation composition contains literal translation and free translation.about literal translation and free translation and how to use literal translation and free translation properly.literal translation is a good choice to use,it keeps the original message form.But literal translation is not word-for-word translation.Some sentences should not translate literally.Because these sentences contain some idioms or not according with the custom of target language.Then,translaors should use free translation.Free translation is a translation skill which is active.But free translation can not add personal emotion to the original works.Translation must be acceptable which use free translation.And free translation skill needs extensive knowledge and culture of both source language and target language.If a translator wants to use literal translation and free translation proficiently,practise is the most important.
英语翻译Chinese.Domesticating translation
中文. 归化翻译"和"异化"的词来形容L•韦努蒂(1995)两种不同的翻译策略. 前者指的是一个透明的翻译策略、外语 温式是通过以减少对国外陌生的语言文字为读者对象,编 延后者翻译类中指定对象文本"蓄意破坏公约目标保留反渗透 在职的条款可追溯到德国哲学家施莱尔马赫的说法,认为有两种不同我只 收治的翻译,"要么作者译者叶和平,尽可能的 四读者对他的举动; 人们往往谈直译与意译. 我们讲究如何处理两种语言. 一 四是如何更好地利用翻译翻译一句. 尤其,嘎嘎 语言文字要表达什么状来源呈现方式,娣 腔镜不得. 直译和意译是翻译的两种主要形式. 他们不排斥,互相 ntrarily、次 行政院是相辅相成的. 从字面上翻译,如果可能,还是呼吁意译. 直译保留原有技能. 因此得到了 原住宅. 直译时,遇到一些障碍的,体育 德里隆常常用意译. 意译原表示总体思路, 四是可以接受的读者. 一个好的翻译和免费translation.about成分含有直译直译免费图腾 旋转和如何妥善运用直译与意译. 直译是好的选择使用, 保持原有的信息形式. 但是直译不是逐字翻译. 不要把一些句子字面上. 由于 一些含有硒句成语或不符合目标语的习俗. 那么,台铁 nslaors应使用意译. 免费翻译是一个翻译技巧,是活跃. 但意译不能加元 暴食症情感原著. 翻译必须接受用意译. 意译技巧和需要广泛侵入 双方语言和文化的塑造和目标语源. 如果译者想用直译法和自由 熟练帽、练习是最重要的.