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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/23 01:40:12
Dear Mr Bill Gates:
How are you.
This is my first time to write to you, I write this letter with the feelings of excitement, but in the hand does not know what to write about. Since I knew you would often interacts with your fans, I've been moved to write to you of heart, I'm sorry I didn't write to you today.
Mr Gates, you is the goal I have, is one of my male god, is also an example to us thousands of students, your success story and we kept pursuing goal in the future. I worship you as christians worship Jesus, everything you let I envy let me shock, also let I envy. When I was a child I was wondering why I have no you so good luck, when I grow up I will know that success is not luck, but hard work.
I three this year, Mr Gates often to China should also know that China's education system of college entrance examination system, the so-called "decade cold window study hard" in the modern is more than ten years, we have thousands of students in the future the last of the university entrance exam, learned more than ten years, the college entrance examination will be the one moment can change our fate. More than ten years of struggle, the chances for the moment. Three come so fast, let me by surprise, also let me confused, China is not the United States, students entrepreneurial is very difficult and at a high school student, I want to learn but you don't have the courage, because of the Chinese society for high school students a deep wet behind not too complicated, so I can only try very hard to learn, in order to next year's hard work in the college entrance examination. Often I'll be confused right now busy learning, I know the future not far not near to me, but I still couldn't think of ways to go to hang on to him. Bill Gates is I always dream, and now I just want to be able to get your advice, to encourage me up.
You are my male god, my goal, is also my motivation. Hope can get your reply and your signature, I need to put these things on my desk motivates me day and night constantly struggle. On Sept. 30, is my eighteenth birthday, I will be in my eighteenth birthday send letter to you, this is the dream of my childhood.
Look forward to your reply, I will report to you at the end of the 2014 college entrance examination in my case. My hero, my god bless you.
再问: 我私信你地址请求翻译了,麻烦帮一下把,谢谢
再答: 我已经翻译给你了呀
再问: 不是,我刚才私信了一下你,让你帮忙再把我的家庭地址翻译成英文
再答: 哦,好
英语翻译亲爱的比尔盖茨先生:这是我第一次写信给您,我怀着万分激动的心情写下这封信,但到了手边却不知道要写些什么了.自从我 英语翻译我怀着无比激动的心情给您写信 英语翻译我不知道是怀着怎样的心情写下这段话,我也不知道这样的文章我是写了有多少,也许数不清了,还数不清我对你的想念。请原 英语翻译亲爱的圣诞老人:这是我第一次写信给你,不知道这封信能不能顺利到达你的手中.如果你收到了,请帮我送出一份祝福好吗? 英语翻译亲爱的伯父.今天怎么样?这是我第一次用英文写信.这对我来说非常难.如果有什么错误.请您原谅.我今天给您写信是因为 英语翻译亲爱的Emma Watson:我很高兴给你写信,我也是第一次写信到国外,所以很激动.我叫叶子,我是一位来自中国的 英语翻译致C罗,我是一名你的来自中国的球迷.喜欢你已经很多年了.今天,我怀着万分激动的心情给你写这封信.希望它能带去我的 英语翻译亲爱的马丁先生,我不知道您裤子上是什么样的污渍,不过我已经尽力去清洗了. 我不知道他们给了我多少日子,但我的手却确乎是渐渐空虚了是什么意思? 英语翻译清晨,我怀着激动的心情踏上了工作的旅途.说到工作我并不觉得是一件多么累人的事情,因为我喜欢我的工作.在前几天,我 英语翻译翻译句子是我老婆可能怀孕了,这是我那么多年听到的最好的消息~我很激动‘非常激动~亲爱的,我爱你~ 英语翻译今天怀着平静又激动的心情呈上这份自荐信.为什么说平静,是因为我的知识和动手能力不会让您们失望.之所以激动,是因为