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非谓语 ved ving todo 何时用

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 09:51:06
非谓语 ved ving todo 何时用
doing done to do 分别何时用.
非谓语 ved ving todo 何时用
动 词 不 定 式
I want to watch TV.
I hope to be an outstanding student.
I expect you to study hard.
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.(完成时)
The questions to be answered are on page 10.(被动式)
He told me not to touch the wire.
I. 动词不定式的句法作用
To master a foreign language is very important.
Not to smoke will do you a lot of good.
To obey the laws is everyone’s duty.
It is difficult to answer such a complicated question in English.
It has been possible to send man to space.
It takes the electronic computer only a few seconds to solve the problem.
______ only five minutes to finish the task.
a. It took myself b. It required me c. It should be needing d. It took me
Our main task is to carry these building materials to the work site.
The most common way of getting heat is to burn fuel.
Our goal is to accomplish the modernization of agriculture, industry, national defence, and science and technology.
My job ______ these children.
a. was to look after b. was looking c. is to looking after d. has looked after
在及物动词begin, cease, choose, continue, decide, expect, fail, forget, happen, hate, help, hope, intend, like, love, manage, mean, offer, plan, prefer, prepare, promise, refuse, remember, try, want, wish 等后边常用不定式作宾语.例如:
When did you begin to learn English?
Once you turn off the switch, electricity ceases to flow.
He promised to keep the secret for you.
Galieo planned to ______ the problem, but failed to do so.
a. solving b. have solved c. be solved d. have been solved
If you promise ______ angry with me, I’ll tell you what I broke.
a. get not b. not get c. not to get d. not getting
注意:当不定式作直接宾语,它后面还有宾语补足语时,需用it 作形式宾语代替不定式,而把不定式放在补足语之后.例如:
I found it difficult to identify mistakes. 我发现辨认错误很难.
Do you consider it wise to ignore him? 你认为不理睬他是明智的吗?
I found _____ to answer all the questions within the time given.
a. no possibility b. there was impossibility c. impossible d. it impossible
动词不定式也可作介词but, except, save(除.以外)的宾语,但在词组can not but (不由得,只好), cannot help but(不得不), do nothing but(别无它法只有.)后面,接不带 to 的不定式.在except, save 后可带to也可不带 to.例如:
The National Guardsmen were given no choice but to shoot over the heads of the unruly mob.
She does nothing but cry all day.
We cannot but believe in the youth who is always trying to improve himself.
He did nothing except play all day long.
There is nothing for it but to wait for an opportunity.
He was no alternative but ______ to see him.
a. go b. went c. going d. to go
I _____ at our teacher’s remarks.
a. cannot but wonder b. cannot help but to wonder
c. cannot but wondering d. cannot help but wondering
有些动词如allow, advise, ask, beg, believe, can’t bear, call, choose, cause, command, determine, enable, expect, fail, feel, find, force, get, have, hear, help, know, invite, lead, let, like, make, notice, order, prove, request, set, see, teach, tell, think, want, warn, watch, wish等后面常跟动词不定式作宾语补足语.
注意:在make(使), let(让), have(使,叫)等使役动词后;在see(看), watch (观看), look at(看), behold(看), observe(观察,看见), perceive(看见), feel(感觉), hear(听), listen to (听...), notice(发现,注意)等表示感官的动词后及在know(了解), please(请)等后面省去动词不定式符号“to”.
在动词find与 help 之后的“to”可省也不可省.例如:
I asked him to tell me the results of the scientific research.
Can you help me (to) clean the windows?
Ask her to wait for me at the gate.
Her mother never has her do that heavy work.
Professor Black had us ______ compositions every Friday.
a. to write b. written c. write d. wrote
My boss asked me to answer the phone, to take all messages, and ______ some letters.
a. to type b. typing c. type d. typewrite
My teacher told me _____ so careless.
a. not be b. don’t to be c. not to be d. won’t be
有些动词如consider, prove, think, know, feel, suppose, discover, imagine, find 等也可跟
“宾语 + to be”的形式,使用中应注意.例如:
We found him (to be ) dishonest. 我们发现他不诚实.
We all know him to be dead. 我们都以为他死了.
We ______ Mr. Brown to be a fine writer.
a. accept b. receive c. think d. regard
如果把动词不定式作宾语补足语的句中的谓语由主动语态改为被动语态,则宾语补足语就成了主语补足语.要注意作宾语补足语时在某些动词后省去的不定式符号to, 此时一般不能省去.例如:
Plastics are found to be good insulators.
Water power can be made to produce electricity.
The laboring people of the world are called on to unite.
Children should be allowed ______ their own decisions.
a. making b. to make c. make d. having made
My father didn’t have any chance to go to school before liberation.
Energy is the ability to do work.
Please give me something to drink.
The order ______ pumps will come from the control room.
a. stopping b. to stop c. stopped d. stops
Have you any other question______?
a. ask b. for ask c. to ask d. asking
At last we found a room to live in.
I haven’t got a chair to sit on.
I’m not sure which restaurant ______.
a. to eat on b. eating at c. to eat at d. for eating
“I want to buy a camera.” “We have several models____”
a. for you to choose from b. for your choice
c. for the choice of yours d. for you to choose at
(1) 用to + 原形动词,in order to + 原形动词或so as to + 原形动词引起不定式短语表示
To meet the needs of our industry, we must produce more coal.
The temperature is so high as to change water into steam.
They were glad to hear from you. 收到你的信他们很高兴.(表原因)
Send him to the baker’s ______ the bread.
a. to buy b. in order he buys c. for to buy d. for buying
Grace advised us to withdraw ______.
a. so as to get not involved b. as not to get involved
c. so as not to get involved d. so that not to involve
(2) 用在easy, difficult, hard, heavy, good等形容词作表语的系表结构中的形容词后,
Electricity is easy to transmit over long distances.
This question is hard to answer.
Most college students want to be ______ to choose their favorite subjects.
a. freely b. freedom c. free d. freed
(3) 在 “too...to”句型中,不定式含有否定意义,表示“结果”.
He was too busy to help me at the moment.
He was too exited to speak.
They were ______ to go any further.
a. too frightened b. as frightened as c. so frightened as d. too frightened for
To learn to speak English well, ______.
a. much practice is needed b. one needs much practice
c. much practice is in need d. much practice one is needed
II. 特殊不定式短语
1. 不定式复合结构:for + 名词(代词)+不定式(短语)
It is necessary for us to catch up with the world’s advanced levels.
It is very kind of you to send us so many books.
The question is for me to answer.
The school regulations are for every student to observe.
The development of the rocket makes it possible for man to enter space.
Closed-circuit television makes it easy for a large number of students to see everything a teacher demonstrates.
In doing research work, there are often a lot of difficulties for the scientists to overcome.
He speaks too quickly for me to understand.
For a machine to do work, we must do work on the machine.
Is it necessary ____ the book immediately?
a. for him to return b. that he returns c. his returning d. to him return
The problem is ____.
a. very difficult for me to solve b. too difficult for I to solve it
c. too difficult for me to solve d. very difficult, I can’t solve
It’s very kind ____ invite me.
a. form you to b. of you to c. by you to d. that you
2. 疑问词+动词不定式
疑问代词who, what, which和疑问副词when, where, how等后面加上动词不定式,构成具有名词作用的短语.
How to solve the problem will be discussed at the meeting.
Who to be elected chairman remains unknown.
What we discussed is where to store these materials.
The question is what to do and how to do next.
Do you know how to answer the question?
We’ve learned what to do in face of difficulties.
Nobel began to seek ways in which to make nitroglycerin safer to handle.
Do you know ____ the repairs?
a. to do b. how to do c. to make d. how to make
There isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know ____.
a. where to choose b. which to choose c. to choose what d. to choose which
The problem we are discussing now is ____ harness the great power from within the earth.
a. how can b. when can c. how to d. what to
3. 独立动词不定式
To tell the truth, that is all I know about him.
To be frank with you, I don’t like the color of your shirt.
To begin with, you must move all the equipment into the laboratory.
To be sure, he’s rather old for such an important work.
____, he studied very hard these days.
a. Being fair b. To be fair c. Fair enough d. To be enough fair
To ____ with, I wound like to talk about my new plan.
a. take b. get c. make d. begin
4. 动词不定式符号to后动词的省略
在并列句或复合句中,如果前一个分句与后一个分句或主句与从句用同一个动词,则后一句中可省去动词而保留 “to”.例如:
He will begin his research work as soon as possible if he is allowed to.
We shall do that test again if we are required to.
He refused to take a rest, though we had asked him to.
“will the Smiths be going abroad this summer?” “No, they finally decided ____.”
a. not going b. not to c. not to be d. not to going
He does not plan to learn German, but ____.
a. so do I b. I do so c. I so want d. I want to
III. 动词不定式的时态和语态
主 动 语 态
被 动 语 态
to make
to be made
to be making
to have made
to have been made
to have been making
2. 一般式:不定式的一般式表示的动作或状态与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生或在起之后发生.例如:
I saw him climb up the tree.
Be quite. Our monitor has a piece of good news to tell us.
We hope to build up a modern laboratory before long.
3. 进行式:不定式进行式表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作发生时正在进行.例如:
The water seems to be boiling.
She was found to be teaching the pupils to make model planes.
If you are traveling forwards in a train, the things around you outside seem ____ backwards.
a. having moved b. to have moved c. to be moving d. to moving
4. 完成式:动词不定式表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前发生.例如:
They are known to have come to a decision on the matter.
It was a great satisfaction to have revisited our native village.
如果动词不定式的完成式用在表示“需要”,“希望”,“打算”等意义的动词如hope, wish, expect, intend, mean 后以及用在情态动词should, could, ought(to), might和be to的过去时后,则说明动作没有实现.例如:
We meant to have had a meeting to discuss this problem.
You should have switched off the light when you left the classroom.
We were to have built a laboratory behind the lecture building.
Some people were reported ____ flying saucers that same evening.
a. to b. to have seen c. to have been seen d. having seen
The elephants ought ____ hours ago by the keepers.
a. to be fed b. to feed c. to being fed d. to have been fed
5. 完成进行式:不定式表示的动作在谓语动词表示的动作之前开始发生,并延续到那个时候,可能仍在进行.例如:
He is said to have been working in this factory for more than twenty years.
She seems to have been writing a scientific treatise.
He considers it a pleasure ____ in the capital of our country.
a. to have been working b. working c. to be worked d. to have working
6. 被动式:表示被动的意义.当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式表示的动作的承受者时,则用被动形式.例如:
Water is known to be composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
It was the first computer to be designed by Chinese engineers.
She was the first woman to have been chosen as an astronaut.
The mother seems to have been repaired.
There is nothing important ____.
a. to discussing b. to being discussed c. to discuss d. to be discussed
His works appears ____ into several languages already.
a. having been translated b. to be translated
c. to have been translated d. to translated
分 词
He ran into the house, closing the door behind him.
Being overheat, the tube burns out.
Led by the party, we are working hard to realize the four modernizations.
That was one of the tests being made yesterday.
Being heated, the water begins to boil.
Having finished my lunch, I went back to work..
Not having solved this problem, he doesn’t like to play.
The woman teacher giving us oral lessons is from America.
The scalded dog fears cold water. (proverb)
The political instructor dashed into the burning house and rescued two children.
The circuit shown in this diagram is very complicated.
Electrical energy ____ from the sun in a round-about way is the most widely used energy today.
a. coming b. to come c. come d. having come
Some of the experiments ____ in the book are easy to perform.
a. describing b. to be described c. described d. to describe
I heard some very ____news this morning.
a. excited b. exciting c. being excited d. have excited
The question discussed at the meeting is quite confidential.
The question being discussed at the meeting is quite confidential.
The question to be discussed at the meeting is quite confidential.
现在分词作宾语补足语表示动作正在进行,宾语是动作发发出者;过去分词做补语补足语具有被动意义,宾语是动作的承受者.可带宾语补足语的常用动词有see, watch, hear, find, notice, leave, smell, have, get, make等.要特别注意,在由“have, get, see +直接宾语+过去分词”的句型中,表达的动作不是由主语所指的人做的,而是由别人做的.例如:
My hair is too long. I am going to have it cut.我头发太长了,我要去(请人)理发.
When he reached the gate of the school, he heard the bell ringing.
On a rainy day we will see many streams running down the slopes.
We found the path covered with snow.
Is there anything you want from town? I am going to get____.
a. those letters mailed b. mailed letters c. to mail those letters d. those letters mail
Her pronunciation is terrible. She can hardly make herself ____ when she speaks English.
a. understand b. understood c. to understand d. to be understood
Can you smell something ____?
a. burn b. burnt c. burning d. to be burnt
The machine must be kept running at full speed.
He was found standing at the corner of that street.
The windows were seen carefully cleaned.
The glass was found broken into pieces.
The boys were seen ____ on the sportsground.
a. play b. played c. playing d. to be playing
分词及分词短语作状语可表示时间,原因,条件,结果,让步,方式或伴随情况.分词(短语)可以放在句首也可放在句末,通常用逗号与句子其他部分隔开.分词前可带“when, while, as, once, until, if ”等连接词.例如:
Walking along the street, we found a purse lying on the ground.
Being very tired, he fell asleep immediately.
Having failed several times, they didn’t lose heart.
He was sitting at his desk, looking at his watch.
United as one, they are waging a heroic struggle.
Looking out of the window, a car is running.
____ some of the tasks done by man before, computers are sometimes called thinking machines.
a. Taking over b. To have taken over c. To take over d. To be taken over
Any body, when ____ to a high temperature, becomes a source of light.
a. to be heated b. heated c. being heated d. having heated
____ plastics, the machine is light in weight.
a. To make of b. Having made c. To be made of d. Made of
We went playing basketball last night.
In summer we go swimming at the seaside.
“ Where were you yesterday?”
a. to swim b. swimming c. swam d. swim
amazing (令人惊异的) amazed (感到惊讶)
exciting (令人激动) excited (感到激动)
interesting (有趣的) interested (感兴趣)
surprising (令人惊异的) surprised (感到惊异)
boring (令人厌烦的) bored (感到厌烦)
inspiring (令人鼓舞的) inspired (受鼓舞)
moving (令人感动的) moved (受感动)
discouraging (令人沮丧的) discouraged (感到沮丧)