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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 07:17:57
My mother engaged a teacher to teach me piano. The teacher says I have the talent so in the beginning, I practiced very diligently at home. As a result, I became better and was able to play a full song. However, as time goes by, I start to get bored and frustrated especially when playing the same piece of music repeatively. As a result, my progress was hindered.
After completing the 5th grade, the teacher was reluctant to teach me the 6th grade pieces and always make me practice my skills which did not show much progression. My mother starts to get frustrated and engaged another teacher. Under the new teacher, I started learning the pieces in 6th grade. It is funny to note that I am always practicing at the last minute just before the exams but I am always able to pass the exams. I can still recall there was once, just two weeks before the exams, I still have a piece that I have yet to master fluently, not to even mention to memorize it. Out of anger, my mother broke my computer and I worked harder at practicing and miraculously passed the exams.
Come to think of it, my learning of piano is very strange. After passing the 6th grade, I started learning the 7th grade. Before the exmas, I have a song that I still can't play no matter what, so I thought "Rather than wasting my time practicing, why not dedicate my efforts to the 8th grade!". As such, I did not take my 7th grade exams and went straight for the 8th grade and I managed to pass! The same goes for the 9th grade, a nocturne piece which I was unable to play and went straight for the 10th grade. In the end I managed to scrape pass. My mother teased me quite a bit because of this.
英语翻译妈妈请了老师教我钢琴,老师说我天赋不错,所以刚开始学的时候我在家里练琴练得可卖力了.逐渐,我越弹越好,已经懂得弹 英语翻译学钢琴快2个月了,我练琴的次数都没到20次.我学钢琴的进度也非常慢.老师总是说我.我其实对钢琴一点感觉都没有,当 学素描的时候老师对我说:你很聪明,但真正懂得了多少只有你自己知道 英语翻译我生病了,所以请了两个月的假.老师请放心,我今后会好好学英语的,求翻译不是现在向老师请假,是已经请好了假,已经过 我作文写得不错,可老师让我写经验,300子够了! 我们逐渐增长了见识,也逐渐懂得了如何去接近真理.意思 我最好的老师 我迟到了. 去到教室的时候已经上课.我说了报告. 老师叫我站在教室外面.我应该怎么回答老师. 英语翻译刚开始上英语课的时候,老师给了我这个名字。看来这个名字好难听啊。呜呜~ 我是韩国人. 请帮我修改我的文章. 我学了一年汉语了. 现在我汉语说得不错. 我干什么? 找一本雅思的词汇书我属于那种精力超级过剩的初中生.可能就是英语天赋不错,一个教雅思的老师说我现在的写作水平连一些高三的学 英语翻译老师,英语作文我写的不好,但我真的认真去学了的,但是自己基础太差,时间太短,所以暂时未能学好,我已经考了两次了, 用英语翻译老师,你好,我是李华,暑假里我和父母来到了英国,因为我的英语还算不错,所以我们来到了英