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求一篇英语作文题目 给我印象深刻的一个故事

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 10:36:51
求一篇英语作文题目 给我印象深刻的一个故事
求一篇英语作文题目 给我印象深刻的一个故事
有一个天生失语的小女孩,爸爸在她很小的时候就去世了,她和妈妈相依为命.妈妈每天很早出去工作,很晚才回来.每到日落时分,小女孩就站在家门口,充满期待地望着门前的那条路,等妈妈回家.妈妈回来的时候是她一天中最快乐的时刻,因为妈妈每天都要给她带一块小小的年糕回家.在她们贫穷的家里,一块小小的年糕就是无上的美味了啊!有一天,下着很大的雨,已经过了晚饭时间了,妈妈却还没有回来.小女孩站在家门口望啊望啊,总也等不到妈妈的身影.天,越来越黑,雨,越下越大,小女孩决定顺着妈妈每天回来的路自己去找妈妈.她走啊走啊,走了很远,终于在路边看见了倒在地上的妈妈.她以为妈妈太累,睡着了,就把妈妈的头枕在自己的腿上,想让妈妈睡得舒服一点.但是这时她发现,妈妈的眼睛没有闭上!小女孩突然明白:妈妈可能已经死了!她感到恐惧,拉过妈妈的手使劲摇晃,却发现妈妈的手里还紧紧地攥着一块年糕……她拼命地哭着,却发不出一点声音……雨一直在下,小女孩也不知哭了多久.她知道妈妈再也不会醒来,现在就只剩下她自己.妈妈的眼睛为什么不闭上呢?那是因为不放心她吗?她突然明白了自己该怎样做.于是擦干眼泪,决定用自己的语言来告诉妈妈她一定会好好地活着,让妈妈放心地走……小女孩就在雨中一遍一遍用手语“唱”着一首歌,泪水和雨水混在一起,从她小小的却写满坚强的脸上滑过……“感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生,让我有勇气做我自己,感恩的心,感谢命运,花开花落,我一样会珍惜……”她就这样站在雨中不停歇地“唱”着,一直到妈妈的眼睛终于闭上…… There is a little girl born with aphasia, father died when she was little, she and her mother had each other. Mom went to work early every day, did not return until late. Every sunset, the little girl stood at the door, full of hope, looking at the road in front of, wait for their mothers to go home. Mama came back her happiest moment of the day, because my mother every day to her home with a little rice cakes. Of poverty in their home, a small cake is a supreme taste, ah! One day, under a big rain, has been a dinner time, and her mother are still not returned. The little girl stood at the door looking ah hope ah, the total also can not wait until her mother's shadow. Days, more and more dark, rain, the more the bigger the next little girl decided to come back down the road his mother every day to find his mother. She walked and walked, Zoulehenyuan finally saw the roadside mother lying on the ground. She thought her mother was too tired, fell asleep, put her mother's head in his lap, let her mother sleep more comfortable. But when she discovered that her mother's eyes did not shut! The little girl suddenly understood: my mother may have been dead! She felt fear, pulling off her mother's hand energetically shaking, but it is also found in mother's hands tightly grip with a cake ... ... she cried desperately, but unable to pronounce the sound a little ... ... the rain has been coming a little girl did not know how long cry. She knew that her mother never woke up, and now only herself. Mother's eyes Why do not you shut it? That is because they do not worry her? She suddenly understood what to do themselves. So wipe away tears, decided to use their own language to tell her mother she will be good to live, so my mother safely away ... ... a little girl on the use of sign language in the rain over and over again, "sing" with a song, tears and rain mixed together, From her little face was filled with a strong glide ... ... "grateful heart, grateful for you, with my life, let me have the courage to do myself, grateful heart, thank fate,花开花落, like me cherish ... ... "She stood in the rain so no idle time to" sing "with, until her mother's eyes finally shut ... ...