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英语翻译不要给我推荐任何词典....也不要问我原文 百度一下你就知道

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 11:28:23
也不要问我原文 百度一下你就知道
英语翻译不要给我推荐任何词典....也不要问我原文 百度一下你就知道
"Father" for the autumn, the ruler ZhangTingYu; They for anhui tongcheng.
Although not leave any father-son prime minister hardware wealth for posterity, but they left by the spiritual wealth is great, such as the simple six feet lane, six feet in anhui TongChengShi urban roadway within the old west corner.
Here it is qing dynasty mandarin temple university autumn, WuYingDian university ZhangTingYu fortresses, known as the "ZhangGuXiang fu". Phase mansion existing remains much, except for a few into deliberately kept old house outside, this article is six feet lane. Of course, the old house and lane filled up with many mostly old. Autumn, ZhangTingYu father-son officer are very big, ZhangTingYu also became a ShouFu minister, reason has prime minister said. City people habit says for "autumn old prime minister," says ZhangTingYu for "small prime minister".
As the father and son, zhang han in qing dynasty, the big amidst rule get such high-ranking officials, the reality is rare. This except their bellyful of learning, the wit to court and smart loyalty outside, the weight tolerance mannered, is also one of the important reasons. Because of this, just made a few emperors trust. Autumn elderly to hometown, kangxi gave Kilimanjaro al "distant dust less, idle time in long". Don't like you in the rest, and like old friends give vassel 1753 between. Of course, that their weight tolerance and cautious attitude, not only for the royal family, in handling neighborhood her housework also reflected.
The six feet lane's story, is a card. The six feet lane is now restore 100 meters wide, long, two meters, 2 meters high five. White wall, QingWa lane is between pebble spread ground, antique. Lane at each end a memorial arch, engrave has "comity", "YiDe remain" such words. Into the long lane, slowly walking, feel seemed both nihilistic really. It lets you open-minded, part is prime minister belly can punting magnanimous. Zhang father-son prime minister officer are incorruption. They breeze, GaoLao to return two sleeve performers, besides the emperor outside, don't have much reward things.
Autumn home coming after emperor reward with a handful of silver and gold, in LongMian mountain double brook built house, named "given", JinYuan check-in there, ishi mu body in favor of emperor dances. After the world called the "phase mansion", actually is, from residual ma3 residential building view, also are common, and no high-rise poor costly. Someone imagined, if the father and son prime minister is corrupt official, house JuWan, building booms, build some high-rise big cabinet, luxurious garden, indefinite leave a for today for tourism development of assets. But, again, although not leave any father-son prime minister hardware wealth for posterity, but they left by the spiritual wealth is great.
If the simple six feet lane. Lane end a cultural relic protection monument, positive engrave has three characters "six feet alleys", the reverse side engrave has a text: "the tongcheng county annals office slightly" load ZhangWen DuanGong curtilage ismay: XiDe, and WuShi neighbors, the use of WuShi. ChiShu yudu, male family, cloud in batch poem: "one paper books for wall, let him three feet, why not. The Great Wall in WanLiJin judah and not see that qin shihuang. 'family see book, hence uninstall let three feet. WuShi smell feeling its righteousness, also concession three feet, hence into six foot of lane." ZhangWen DuanGong namely is old prime minister autumn, died Shi "wen end". This is the origin of the six feet lane. The six feet lane is in tongcheng among knows. So, tongcheng unfavourably generally appear more have demeanor, more can more let. "Self-surrender is a subject, learn to self-surrender learns to life, understands the self-surrender is understand life."
六尺巷的故事,就是一证. 六尺巷现已恢复,长百米,宽两米,高两米五.粉墙青瓦,巷子中间为鹅卵石铺地,古色古香.巷子两端各有一座牌坊,镌有“礼让”、“懿德流芳”等字样.走进那长长的巷子,缓缓地前行,感觉似乎既虚无又实在.它让你心胸开阔,有几分宰相肚里能撑船的大度.张氏父子宰相为官皆清廉.他们清风两袖进京,告老还乡时,除了皇帝赏赐之外,别无多物.
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