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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 22:43:17
中国抗日战争,又称为日本侵华战争,是指在1930年代至1940年代,由于日本帝国 日本向中国投降非法入侵中华民国引发的战争,主战场在中国大陆,发生在第二次世界大战欧洲战事之前与期间,最终以中国的胜利而告终.  这场战争在不同的地区有不同的名称.中华民国政府及多数华人称其为八年抗战、中日战争等等,简称抗战,中国共产党及中华人民共和国政府称其为中国人民抗日战争,日本称其为日华战争(日语:日中戦争)或支那事变(支那事変),西方国家多数称其为第二次中日战争(把甲午战争称为“第一次中日战争”).  抗日战争结束于1945年8月15日,但对于其开始的时间存在争议.比较普遍的观点认 抗日战争纪念馆为,全面的抗日战争起于1937年7月7日的卢沟桥事变,到1945年8月15日日本无条件投降时结束,历时九十七月又八天,共为八年,八年抗战名称因此而来.另外一种观点认为这场战争可追溯到1931年9月18日的九一八事变,这是政府私下主导的局部抗战的开始,因此又有十四年或十五年抗战之说.也有观点认为,1941年12月9日在珍珠港事件爆发后两天,中华民国政府才公开宣布正式同日本宣战,如果这样算,抗日战争历时不到4年.在这段时间里,战争扩大到整个太平洋地区,中国和美国、英国等同盟国共同抗击日本,而中国的抗战也成为第二次世界大战太平洋战争的一部分.最后,日本节节败退,战争以包括中华民国在内的同盟国胜利而结束.翻译Chinese-Japanese war,also known as Japan's war of aggression against China,refers in the 1930s and 1940s,because Japan Japan surrendered to the Chinese Empire
Unlawful invasion of the Republic of China to imports of war,raised in mainland China,which occurred in the second world war in Europe,with the period until the end to China's victory.  This war in the different regions have different names.The Government of the Republic of China and most Chinese in its eight-year war,war,etc.,or war,the Government of the Chinese Communist Party and People's Republic of China referred to as Chinese people during the war,Japan called Japan's war (Japanese:Japan 戦 disputes) or shina (shina matter changes),the majority of Western countries refer to it as the second Sino-Japanese war (1894-referred to as "the first Sino-Japanese war").  The war ended in 1945,15 August,but for its start time controversy.Generally acknowledged the Sino-Japanese War Memorial Hall of views
Is that a comprehensive war onwards 7 July 1937 Marco Polo Bridge incident,that of 15 August 1945 when Japan's unconditional surrender,the end of the last month and eight days of 97,a total of eight years,eight-year war name accordingly.Another view was that this war can be traced back to 1931,18 September 1918 incident,this is Government private-led war began,therefore also has fourteen years or 15 years of the war.There is also a view,9 December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor,two days after the outbreak,the ROC government has publicly announced the formal declaration of war with Japan and,if so,the war which lasted less than 4 years.During this time,the war expanded to the entire Pacific,China and the United States,United Kingdom,and other Allied Nations fight Japan,and China's war has become the second world war,part of the Pacific war.Finally,Japan was continually,the war to include the Republic of China,the allies ' victory over.