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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 12:42:00
  皮带机是皮带输送机的简称,皮带机运用输送带的连续或间歇运动来输送各种轻重不同的物品,既可输送各种散料,也可输送各种纸箱、包装袋等单件重量不大的件货,用途广泛.   皮带机输送带的材质有:橡胶、硅胶、PVC、PU等多种材质,除用于普通物料的输送外,还可满足耐油、耐腐蚀、防静电等有特殊要求物料的输送.采用专用的食品级输送带,可满足食品、制药、日用化工等行业的要求.   皮带机结构形式有:槽型皮带机、平型皮带机、爬坡皮带机、转弯皮带机等多种形式,输送带上还可增设提升挡板、裙边等附件,能满足各种工艺要求.输送机两侧配以工作台、加装灯架,可作为电子仪表装配,食品包装等皮带机装配线.   皮带机驱动方式有:减速电机驱动、电动滚筒驱动.   皮带机调速方式有:变频调速、无极变速.   皮带机架材质有:碳钢、不锈钢、铝型材.   应用范围:轻工,电子,食品,化工,木业,机械等行业   皮带机设 备 特点:皮带机输送平稳,物料与输送带没有相对运动,能够避免对输送物的损坏.噪音较小,适合于工作环境要求比较安静的场合.结构简单,便于维护.能耗较小,使用成本低.
  1、固定式输送机应按规定的安装方法安装在固定的基础上.移动式输送机正式运行前应将轮子用三角木楔住或用制动器刹住.以免工作中发生走动,有多台输送机平行作业时,机与机之间,机与墙之间应有一米的通道.   2、输送机使用前须检查各运转部分、胶带搭扣和承载装置是否正常,防护设备是否齐全.胶带的张紧度须在启动前调整到合适的程度.   3、皮带输送机应空载启动.等运转正常后方可入料.禁止先入料后开车.   4、有数台输送机串联运行时,应从卸料端开始,顺序起动.全部正常运转后,方可入料.   5、运行中出现胶带跑偏现象时,应停车调整,不得勉强使用,以免磨损边缘和增加负荷.   6、工作环境及被送物料温度不得高于50℃和低于-10℃.   7、输送带上禁止行人或乘人.   8、停车前必须先停止入料,等皮带上存料卸尽方可停车.   9、输送机电动机必须绝缘良好.移动式输送机电缆不要乱拉和拖动.电动机要可靠接地.   10、皮带打滑时严禁用手去拉动皮带,以免发生事故.
  皮带输送机运行时皮带跑偏是最常见的故障.为解决这类故障重点是要注意安装的尺寸精度与日常维护保养.跑偏的原因有多种,需根据不同的原因区别处理:   1、调整承载托辊组.2、安装调心托辊组.3、调整驱动滚筒与改向滚筒位置.4、张紧处的调整.5、双向运行的皮带输送机皮带跑偏的调整比单向皮带线跑偏的调整相对要困难许多,在具体调整时应先调整某一个方向,然后调整另外一个方向.
  1、检查所有紧固件并确认没有松动.   2、清洁皮带并确认皮带完好,如发现皮带破损应及时更换.   3、检查电机减速箱内的润滑油并确保正常.   4、检查皮带张紧度并调整至适当.
  Belt conveyor is short for belt conveyors.
  Is short for belt conveyor in belt conveyor, belt conveyor using continuous or intermittent motion of the conveyor belt to transport all kinds of different articles, which can transport all kinds of bulk material, can also transport all kinds of cardboard boxes, bags and other little unit weight of goods, a wide range of uses. Belt conveyor belt material: rubber, silicone, PVC, PU, and other materials, except for transportation outside of ordinary materials, meets resistance to oil, also have special requirements such as corrosion-resistant, anti-static materials conveying.   Using the dedicated food grade conveyor belt, can meet the requirements of the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. Belt conveyor structure: Groove belt machine, flat belt conveyor, belt conveyor and other forms of climbing belt machine, turn, conveyor belt or an additional lift up on the bezel, skirts and other accessories, can meet all technical requirements.   Conveyor equipped with table, the installation of lights on both sides, can be used as electronic instrument Assembly, food packaging and other belt conveyor assembly lines.   Belt drive: deceleration motors, electric drum drives.   Belt speed: variable frequency adjusting speed, multitronic.   Belt rack material: carbon steel, stainless steel, aluminium. Range of application: light industry, electronics, food, chemical industry, wood industry, mechanical industry belt machine devices feature: smooth belt conveyor, the material and there is no relative motion of the conveyor, to avoid the damage of transportation. Less noise, ideal for quiet work environment requirements. Simple structure, easy for maintenance. Less energy consumption, low cost.
  Safety operation regulations for belt conveyor
  1, fixed conveyor should be required for the installation method to install on a fixed basis. Mobile conveyor wheels should be before the official run with triangular wooden wedge, or with a brake check.   So that, when there are multiple parallel operation of conveyor, between machine and machine, between the wall and there should be one metre of the channel. 2, shall inspect all machinery before use of conveyor, belt buckle, and host device is normal, protective equipment are complete.   Belt tension should be adjusted before starting to an appropriate extent. 3, the belt conveyor unloaded start. After normal operation, such as feed.   Prohibit driving after feeding. 4, there are several conveyor-line runs from the discharge end, starting in the order.   After all normal operations in order to feed.   Belt deviation phenomena appears in the 5, run, stop adjustment shall reluctantly use to avoid edge wear and increase the load.   6, work environment and be sent material shall not be higher than 50 ° c and temperature lower than-10 degrees centigrade.   7, against pedestrian or riding on a conveyor belt.   8, parking must be stopped before feeding, and other uploaded material handling belts do before they can stop. 9, conveyor motor must be well insulated. Mobile conveyor cables don't pull and drag.   Reliable earthing of motor. 10, is strictly prohibited to use hand to pull the belt when the belt slipping, so as to avoid accidents.
  Misalignment fault belt line and the solutions
  A mount of belt conveyer belt deviation is the most common fault. To address such failures key to note that the installation of dimensional precision and day-to-day maintenance. Running a number of reasons, be addressed according to different reasons for difference between: 1, adjusting the carrying idler group. 2, the installation of self-aligning idler group. 3, adjust the position and bend pulley driven drum. 4, tensioning adjustment. 5, bi-directional adjustment of belt conveyor belt running deviation than one-way adjustment of belt line deviation relative to many difficulties, specific adjustment should be adjusted in a certain direction, and then adjust the other direction.
  Routine maintenance of belt conveyor
  1, check all fasteners and verify that there are no loose.   2, cleaning the belt and make sure that the belt intact, damage should be replaced in a timely manner if a belt is found.   3, check the motor lubricating oil in the gear box and ensure that normal. 4, check of belt tension and adjust to the right.
  Domestic status of belt conveyor
  Manufacturing in China more varieties, types of belt conveyors. "85" period, through the national one-stop "Nissan tons fully mechanized coal mining equipment" project implementation of belt conveyor technical level has been greatly improved, with high power, long distance belt conveyor of coal mine machine key technology research and new production of Dr LUI has made great progress in development. As large angle long distance with type conveying machine equipment, and high yield efficient face Shun slot can telescopic with type conveying machine, are filled has domestic blank, and on with type conveying machine of reduce key technology and main Yuan part for has theory research and products development, development success has multiple soft up dynamic and brake device and to PLC for core of can programming electric controlled device, driven system used adjusting speed type liquid couple close device and planet gear deceleration device.
  Belt conveyor transportation, storage
  In the product during transport, should be consistent with the relevant provisions of the transport sector, no contact with acid, alkali. Driving devices, electrical equipment should avoid scraping, touching and wrestling, and other violent vibration and impact. Rain, moisture-proof measures should be taken during the custody period, should be placed in a shelter when the storage warehouse.