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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 16:33:13
1.has a small white rabbit to run joyfully in the forest, the giraffe which it bumped into a volume hemp on the road, the small white rabbit said to the giraffe: ” the giraffe giraffe, why do you want to do injure your matter? has a look at this forest to be happy, lets us run together in the nature!” the giraffe has a look at the hemp smoke, has a look at the small white rabbit, as soon as therefore to after death throws the hemp smoke, is running with the small white rabbit in the forest. afterward they met one elephant which prepares to attract the cocaine, the small white rabbit were saying to the elephant: ” the elephant elephant, why do you want to do injure your matter? has a look at this forest to be happy, lets us run together in the nature!” the elephant has a look at the cocaine, has a look at the small white rabbit, as soon as therefore to after death throws the cocaine, runs with the small white rabbit and the giraffe in the forest. afterward they met one lion which prepares to hit the heroin, the small white rabbit were saying to the lion: ” the lion lion, why do you want to do injure your matter? has a look at this forest to be happy, lets us run together in the nature!” the lion has a look at the syringe, has a look at the small white rabbit, as soon as therefore to after death throws the syringe, overran the small white rabbit has beaten violently. the elephant and the giraffe frightens sends directly shakes: ” why do you want to hit the small white rabbit? it such the good intention, cared that our health is called us to approach the nature.” the lion was angry said: ” this bastard rabbit, each time cracked with the teeth the drug to pull my the idiot to run all over the place equally likely in the forest.”
小白兔对长颈鹿说: ”长颈鹿长颈鹿,你为什么要做伤害自己的事呢?
小白兔对大象说: ”大象大象,你为什么要做伤害自己的事呢?
小白兔对狮子说: ”狮子狮子,你为什么要做伤害自己的事呢?
2.I obtain in a fable seven colors of the spectrum flower, I am wild with joy. “how should I use it?”I thought aloud. a sound resounds nearby the ear: “clutches a flower petal, said a desire.” the sound finished the seven colors of the spectrum flower to turn six colors. “my KAO! This also calculated that looks originally!?” “calculates!”Six color flowers turned five colors. I did not dare to speak. I can only move! Therefore I, cautiously clutch the next flower petal to throw without hesitation to airborne: “gives again me a such seven colors of the spectrum flower!” “the duplication by passes through the stop, the seven colors of the spectrum flower is using!” the five discolorations have become four colors. “TMD, this flower is certainly the M$ product!”I scold darkly in the heart, the sound feared that it comes one “YES ” my this flower to be also few again a petal. I clutch the next flower petal: “how many does the body color draw a prizewinning ticket tonight the number is?” I put out the small book, prepares to write down. “”
3.Some 6 year-old young boys, one day plays when outside, had discovered a bird nest is blown down by the wind from the tree in the place, has tumbled out the small house sparrow which from inside cries for food. The young boy decided that brings back to the family it to feed. When he is holding the bird nest arrives at the family entrance time, he suddenly remembers mother not to allow him at home to raise the micro-organism. Therefore, he places gently the small house sparrow the entrance, enters the room to request mother hurriedly. Mother made an exception finally under his entreaty complies. The young boy runs up to the entrance excitedly, unexpectedly the small house sparrow already disappeared, he sees a black cat to have not given full expression is licking the mouth. The young boy sad has been very for this reason long. But henceforth he also has remembered a lesson: So long as is the matter which recognized, may be indecisive in no way. After this young boy grows up, achievement the enterprise, he was Chinese computer celebrity - Dr. Wang An.
有一个6岁的小男孩,一天在外面玩耍时,发现了一个鸟巢被风从树上吹掉在地,从里面滚出了一个嗷嗷待哺的小麻雀.小男孩决定把它带回家喂养. 当他托着鸟巢走到家门口的时候,他突然想起妈妈不允许他在家里养小动物.于是,他轻轻地把小麻雀放在门口,急忙走进屋去请求妈妈.在他的哀求下妈妈终于破例答应了. 小男孩兴奋地跑到门口,不料小麻雀已经不见了,他看见一只黑猫正在意犹未尽舔着嘴巴.小男孩为此伤心了很久.但从此他也记住了一个教训:只要是自己认定的事情,决不可优柔寡断.这个小男孩长大后成就了一番事业,他就是华裔电脑名人—王安博士.
4.car king Ford is not a parsimonious person, but he actually very little donates money. He believed stubbornly how much the money value doesn't lie, but lies in the application method. He most will worry is the donation will fall frequently to is not good at utilizing in their person hand. Once, Georgia's Principal Ma Sha · Betty to expand the school to request Ford to donate money, Ford has rejected her. she said: Then please donate me a bag of peanut seed. Therefore Ford bought a bag of peanut seed to give her. Ford had afterward forgotten this matter. Has not thought of one year later, Betty Ms. visited, has given him 600 US dollars. Originally the students have sown seeds the initial that bag peanut seed, this is one year harvest. Ford anything had not said that put out 6,000,000 US dollars to give Betty immediately.the Ford's worry is not unnecessary, comes too easily the money is very often difficult to let feel Shi Zhe behind the money to dive the hidden pain and the wisdom; I appreciate Betty to grant to the intravenous drip to the high respect, she leads under the children broadcast sowing is actually proved sufficiently they have ability to accept other people kindness the qualifications.
5.the roommate eye nearsightedness, occupies the first row of seat frequently, also suffers from mathematics teacher the speech mouth froth splash, resists with difficulty. One day, he said to me: Mathematics teacher lowers the head teaching, the first row of table entire was wet; Mr./Mrs. mathematics gains ground teaching, the second row of table on entire was wet. I faint on the scene. 眼睛近视的室友,占据了第一排的座位频繁,也受到数学教师的讲话嘴泡沫飞溅,抗拒困难.有一天,他对我说:数学教师降低教学的头部,第一列的表全是湿;先生/太太.数学收益实地教学,第二排桌子全是湿的.余微弱现场.