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英语翻译The shirtCyril Prout was a very vain man and spent a gre

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:34:56
The shirt
Cyril Prout was a very vain man and spent a great deal of time looking at himself in the mirror.He even went to the barber's shop every week to have his hair dyed.Although he was nearly fifty,he didn't want people to know his age,so he did not want to have any grey hair.
He also spent most of his money on clothes.He always wore the latest fashions,and bought his clothes from the most expensive shops.Cyril believed that every woman thought he was handsome.He did not have any women friends but he had an explanation for this.
"Women think they will have too much competition," he told himself."They do not want to risk losing me.That's why they will not go out with me."
But then something happened that even Cyril could not explain.
One day he bought a new shirt from a high-fashion men's shop.It was very expensive and made of brightly colored material.It was the kind of shirt Cyril loved.When he got home and took it out of the box,he found a note pinned to it.The note said," Please write to me and send me a photograph of yourself." The note was signed "Marilyn Armstrong" and there was an address to write to.
Cyril immediately wrote to Marilyn,telling her all about himself.Then he put a photograph of himself in the envelope--a very old one--and send it off.A week passed and then he received a reply.He oppened it quickly,hoping there would be a photograph of a beautiful woman inside and that she would agree to meet him.
However,although the letter was from Marilyn Armstrong,it was very disappointing to Cyril.
"Dear Cyril," he read."Thank you for writing to me.I work in the factory that made the shirt you bought.Everyone here just wanted to find out what kind of fool would buy such an awful shirt."
英语翻译The shirtCyril Prout was a very vain man and spent a gre
西里尔立即写信给玛丽莲,告诉她他自己.然后他把自己在信封的照片 - 一个很老的 - 并将其发送关闭.一个星期过去了,然后他收到了回信.他oppened很快,希望会有一个美丽的女人的照片里面,她会同意满足他.
“亲爱的利禄,他读了.” “谢谢你给我写信,我工作的工厂,你买的衬衫,这里的每个人只是想找出什么样的傻瓜会买这样一个可怕的衬衫.”
再问: 不 太 通 顺 啊。。。。
再答: 真的吗?我是按照你给的范文翻译的哦!! 是不是你的范文就不太通顺呀? 你再看看吧。 ☻☺☻☺