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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 10:26:15
British villa emphasized decorative porch,compare the "good window dressing." Georgian style popular in the United Kingdom colonial power in the whole of a century (18th century),which is introduced by the Italian Renaissance style,derived from the UK,and adhering to the classical principles of symmetry and harmony,is one of America's most influential kind of style.It is characterized by:
A,is often the classical facade porch;
B,Lang Yanxia a rectangular group arranged on the roof decorated with teeth;
C,windows up and down in pairs,divided into many small grids (9-12),usually the window is 5,the central symmetry;
D,door designs are often arranged in a rectangular form carved door with vertical arrangement of rectangular beam pattern.
There are five forms:side gable; two-line roof; four-slope roof; central gable; often as urban housing.
◎ Adam style (Adam)
Adam style is the essence of development of Georgian style,very popular in the U.S.Northeast,which absorbed the Adam brothers,the Italian Renaissance-style research.Compared with the Georgian style,decorated eaves teeth longer,increases above the main entrance,a semi-circular or elliptical transom,windows with decorative window wall modification,the rest of the features and form almost identical with the George Adams style.
◎ UK residential style (Postmedieval English)
In addition to the Indians on the United States outside the house,the oldest in Britain after the Middle Ages when the number of residential style,and these buildings first by the British in the U.S.northeast coast of the most fertile area of the majority of the wooden structure,has been able to survive 300 years of history,it looks monotonous.The building features:
A,the steep side of the triangular roof,eaves almost no decoration;
B,wooden door,oblique grid windows,large chimneys visible refined.
It has two forms:two huts,the central chimney (north); two-story brick houses on both sides of the chimney (the South)
英国别墅强调门廊的装饰性,比较“讲究门面”.乔治亚风格 在英国殖民国家中整整流行了一个世纪(18世纪),它是由意大利文艺复兴风格传入英国后派生出来的,并秉承古典主义对称与和谐的原则,是对美国最有影响的一种风格.它的特征为:
D、大门常有长方形雕花组成排列图案,门梁 上有竖向排列的长方形花纹.
◎ 亚当风格(Adam)
◎ 英国民居风格(Postmedieval English)
A、 陡峭的侧三角形屋顶,屋檐几乎无装饰;