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英语翻译My son Joe started dating a young lady whose father work

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 22:04:40
My son Joe started dating a young lady whose father worked in a police station.Joe was interested in working there.And he came home one day and he said,“I’m taking the police test.”When he graduated ,they assigned(分配)him to East New York where I started my career.(1)However,Joe’s brother,John wanted nothingto do with police or firefighters.He wanted to be the “next Donald Trump”,a millionaire(富翁)well-known in America.But in 1984,I came down with throat cancer.He noticed how the guys I worked with in the fire department(消防队)took care of us.He decided to be a firefighter.
Both the boys would call we when they were working.John would always call around four o’clock ,and that particular(特别的)night ,September 10,we spoke for a few minutes.And I said,“I love you.”and he said,“I love you.”Joe called me in the morning and told me to turn on the television ,that a plane just hit the Trade Center(世贸大厦).(2)I just said,“Be careful.I love you ”He said,“I love you ,too.”That was it.
We had the boys for John for 36 years,Joe for 34 years .It’s not many people that the last words they said to their son or daughter were “I love you,”and the last words that they heard were “I love you.”So,that makes me sleep at night.
英语翻译My son Joe started dating a young lady whose father work
我的儿子Joe 开始跟一个年轻的女孩约会,这个女孩的父亲是在派出所工作的. Joe 非常感兴趣在派出所工作. 一天他回家,他说,“我现在正在考警察测试.” 当他毕业了,他们就分配他到纽约东部,在那个我曾经开始我的职业的地方.
然而Joe的兄弟John一点都不想作关于灭火或者警察职业. 他想要成为一个下个唐纳德·特朗普百万富翁在美国. 但是在1984年,我退休了因为咽喉癌.当John 注意到那些跟我一起工作的灭火员是如何关照我的,他毅然成为了一个灭火员.
这两个儿子警察打我电话当他们在工作的时候.John 总是在4点钟打我电话.那天特别的晚上,9月10号,我们只说了几分钟.我说:”我爱你.“ 他也说:”我也爱你.“Joe 打我电话在早晨,他告诉我开电视————那个飞机袭击世贸大厦. 我就说小心,我爱你. 他也回复我,我也爱你. 仅此而已.
我们拥有John 36年, Joe 34年. 不是许多人死前都能对自己的儿女说我爱你,并且听见儿女对自己说我爱你. 这让我在晚上睡在了. ps 估计是死了吧- -