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英语翻译The median overall survival time in the present study wa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 22:34:45
The median overall survival time in the present study was 257 days,with 1- and 2-year survival rates of 43.1%and 20.5%,respectively (Fig 3).These results are comparable to those in the high-risk arm of the study of Kiely et al (44),who reported a median survival time of 366 days and 1- and 2-year survival rates of 47% and 20%,respectively.Understandably,longterm survival in these patients is poorer than in those without any risk factors.Compared with historical data from randomized trials,these survival rates appear similar to those in the untreated,palliative arm of the study of Llovet et al (63% and 27%,respectively) (20) and slightly better thanthose of Lo et al (32% and 11%,respectively)(22).However,one can argue that both trials included only patients with CP class A and B disease and
without any risk factors.Hence,if these patients deemed at high risk are denied interventional treatment and possibly a donor organ,it may be reasonable to extrapolate that their 1- and 2-year survival rates would be worse than those in the untreated,palliative arms of Llovet et al (20) and Lo et al (22).More importantly,patients with focal disease have a reasonable chance of survival,at least to transplantation.Before denying treatment to this subpopulation on the basis of individual criteria,it behooves us to better understand the limitations of earlier studies as well as further investigate the role TACE may play in this high-risk group.
英语翻译The median overall survival time in the present study wa
中位数本研究的总体生存时间有257天,与1 - 2的43.1%和20.5%,一年生存率分别为(图3).这些结果可以媲美高的基利等人的研究(44),谁报告了366天,1位生存时间的危险武装那些-和2的47%和20%,一年生存率分别.要知道,在这些患者长期的生存较差高于无任何风险因素的.相比与随机试验的历史数据,这些存活率出现类似的治疗,对Llovet研究等姑息武装那些人(63%和27%,分别为)(20)和好一点的老thanthose等(32 %和11%,分别为)(22).但是,我们可以说这两个试验包括与CP A和B类疾病,只有病人
没有任何危险因素.因此,如果这些病人被视为高风险被剥夺了介入治疗,可能捐助者的机构,它可以合理地推断,他们的1 - 2年生存率会比那些差的治疗,对Llovet等姑息性武器(20)和罗等人(22).更重要的是,疫源性疾病患者有合理的生存机会,至少在移植.在拒绝治疗,这对个别标准的基础上亚群,我们有必要更好地了解早期的研究的局限性,以及进一步探讨的作用栓塞可在这高危险群.