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急用!翻译Beyond ColourA garden is more than an arrangement of co

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:大师作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 20:23:34
Beyond Colour
A garden is more than an arrangement of colours, just as a lastingly beautiful piece of music is more than a pretty melody. The colours in a garden are produced by living organisms with structure and form, which are subject to constant change. Most of what we see in a garden is leaf, stem, and even fruit; although we tend to devote most of our attention to flowers. This is rather like walking into a room full of handsome people and only noticing their genitals, if you stop to think about it, which isn't a very enlightened outlook. The point is that every plant in your garden has a lot more to contribute than merely its flowers. Any plant you add to your garden, any material thing, adds its own contribution of Size,Form,Texture
Size is important... at least in horticulture. Plants should be evaluated on this basis automatically, because, first and foremost, they simply have to be able to fit into the available space. And yet, astonishingly, this is very often overlooked. A classic blunder, which all gardeners have been guilty of, is planting something which is capable of far outgrowing the space we allow it. Few things can look more unhappy than a good old Pfitzer juniper crammed into a miserable little foundation planting.
Beyond the need for basic living space, the size of a plant in relation to its surroundings and to other plants is an important design consideration. Classical wisdom (and common sense2) tells us to plant the tallest plants at the back, the shortest in the foreground, and the medium height plants somewhere in between. This is a good governing principle to avoid creating flower beds that look as though they have been planted backwards.
Much more dramatic arrangements can be achieved by bringing certain taller plants closer to the foreground, and even placing them at the front edge. These become accent features! Exclamation points! Bold statements!... which become annoying if the technique is abused.
Placing taller plants, individually or in groups, in the mid-ground is also a useful method for altering the way a composition is viewed. A vista, which can be taken in completely from a single vantage point, can be made much more interesting by interrupting the sight line at well-chosen places. Selectively concealing the view of a garden in its entirety compels the visitor to move about, which creates a sense of narrative. This technique may also be used to make a small garden seem bigger.
急用!翻译Beyond ColourA garden is more than an arrangement of co
除了需要有基本的生活空间,大小的植物在其周围的其他植物是一个重要的设计考虑.古典智慧(和共同sense2 )告诉我们,以最高的植物工厂的后面,最短的在前台,媒介高度植物两者之间.这是一个很好的指导原则,以避免造成花坛,看上去好像他们已种植倒退.
配售高大植物,个别地或集体地,在中地面也是一个有用的方法改变的方式组成的看法.一个Vista ,这可以采取完全从一个单一的角度,可以更有趣的中断视线在精心挑选的地方.选择隐瞒的观点,一个花园的全部迫使访问者走动,造成一种叙述.这种技术也可用于制造一个小花园似乎更大.